When I have kids, they're definitely gonna work.

The songwriting process is different on every record because you're never coming from the same place when you're writing.

We've all had a million day jobs. We got by fine then.

One thing I never worry about is money, because I have my health and my family, and I can always go back to work.

You don't know how a song is gonna do; you don't know where it's gonna live. You know if it feels real, if it feels authentic.

To write a song and have it embraced by someone, even one person, I don't think that's something that everyone gets to experience.

It really is draining: when you sing a song, it means so much to you, and every time you sing it, you feel it ,and these emotions come back.

As hopeful as I am, there are some times in my life when I get to low points. Luckily, I still have music to get me through things.

Our fans are very much like us; they like the same things we do.

I feel like we've had a front row seat for the last 20 years to watching culture and youth.

Hopefully, the people that would look at a Good Charlotte record and dismiss it for maybe what they think is a certain kind of content, if they do discover something meaningful, then it's a nice surprise. I like those kinds of contradictions.

I think we live in a time where we can all distract ourselves from facing the pain or the reality of all of our lives - tons of ways to hide, to kill pain, to deal with pain.

I really love 'Cold Song.' If anyone really listens to that song and thinks about their life, there's a lot of good material deep down in there. I think if you listen to the lyrics, it may take you on some sort of a journey.

Today, somewhere in America, there's a kid who's got a laptop and a guitar and a couple of his friends he's putting together to play drums and bass, who's gonna change the way we say things, the way that we dress, the way we view things, the music we hear, everything.

There are so many bands I am starting to see: Waterparks, Potty Mouth - they're all garage bands that started in the garage. Kids are loving them.

We grew up in the middle of nowhere. We didn't have a rich uncle in the music industry or some contact through someone that our dad worked with. And we went into the world blindly, and just through believing, dreaming, and working hard, Good Charlotte came to fruition.

The least punk thing I ever did was open a money market account. Blue chip stocks. Mutual funds. They're a very safe and dependable way to grow your money long-term.

Novelty always sparks ideas.

I think Good Charlotte has definitely always been for the underdogs and the misfits. We haven't ever really been the critics' darlings.

I think, a lot of times, people think they know what they want, but what they really want is something that's genuine.

That's just the music industry. They always want you to write something like the one that was popular.

Nothing worries me in life anymore. When you find that best friend, that love, all your worries kind of go away.

'Nevermind' by Nirvana. That was a big one for me.

I think what defines our band is really that, you know, we're just living our dream and making records that we love and having a good time.