When I think of Paisley, I think of everything that has shaped my life.

I'm at the point of view that I have to look after myself in various levels.

None of us don't have a vice.

I like to indulge all the facets of my personality. There's none that I don't think, in a way, I would want to take away from.

When you've displayed a weakness, you've displayed something a person can grab a hold of and attack you there. If you're not ashamed of it, who can make you feel bad about it? Nobody. If you make a mistake, at least you get to see them, identify them, acknowledge them and hopefully remedy them.

I went through a phase of buying a lot of masks, as anyone who has been to a party at the house will testify.

I never, ever thought I would get to say I was opening a show for the Bay City Rollers.

Whatever I do, I like to be the one doing it. I don't just like to get someone in to run it and put a name to it.

When I got my first publishing deal, I felt some responsibility to try to write with the people that they were asking me to write with.

My parents worked very hard for me and my sister.

A lot of people have been very dismissive of me. I'm hardly the darling of the NME. It used to get me down a bit, but you reach a point where you can laugh it off.

Some people have just got a capacity for creativity that's unbelievable!

I don't know if I've got the capacity for all of the creativity that I want to put out there, which is annoying and frustrating - it's kinda like torture.

I've learned stuff, and I've forgotten stuff, but what I do know is that it really is all about the fans.

One of the best things I get to do is meet people that have been to the shows and listened to the music. I still don't indulge in the social media side of things, so that's my way of starting conversations - actually hearing people talk.

I don't discriminate when it comes to melon. I'm very open-minded. I really don't mind; I can't say I like any one better than the other. You can put them all in! A little melon mix salad, and I'm just in heaven.

I love melon! I don't love melon; that's a bit... Melon's my favorite fruit.

Touring can be really tiring. I can get homesick, and I spend a lot of time on my phone.

You've got to make sure that you don't have an airbrushed picture making you look like a 15-year-old cherub when your lyrics suggest otherwise.

To be honest, the first time round, I didn't think 'Fame Academy' was the worst premise in the world. You got people on, and they would write songs and develop themselves as artists. But then, instead of getting a little bit more credible, it got a little bit more ridiculous.

My father was very encouraging.

I started to learn some common sense. Even just sort of day-to-day things. I started to cook a little bit more and try to learn to fix things around the house. If something breaks down, rather than call a guy, there's got to be more I can do.

A lot of places think that bigger is better. It's like consumerism is taking everything over.

I thought about going onto the first one, Pop Idol. My mum was saying, 'Go on!' But I decided not to. 'The X Factor,' though, doesn't really seem to be a show about musical talent anymore.