One of my favourite songs is 'A Message to You, Rudy,' which was done by the Specials.

If I get in a relationship, it's always for the long-term; if not, I don't see the point.

I feel quite fearless protecting the people I love.

I really hate bureaucracy and the idea that I'm not a free person.

I go running three times a week - outside in the park, come rain or shine, and I hate every moment of it. I hate everything about it. But I know it's important for health reasons and the reason why I run, in particular, is because my stage work is like cardiovascular work so I don't want to lose my breath on stage.

I love Andre 3000 from OutKast. I think we'd complement each other, but I'm hoping he's got a good sense of humour.

It's amazing living alone. I'm very lucky. It's like a refuge.

Ever since I was little, my mum used to choose an outfit for me and lay it on the bed so I'd know what I was wearing the next day. I never went to a uniformed school, so I always had an outfit - and I never really grew out of that, I don't think.

I think what makes me different from the average Joe is that I feel free to be myself and express myself in the way that I want. If that makes you mad, we're living in a world of dire straits. If anything, it makes you more sane.

I feel quite excited about the possibility of working on multiple albums. There's something really iconic about having a catalog featuring a lot of albums, and I'd love to have that legacy.

I don't connect much with the present. I have more of an affinity for what came in the past.

I don't feel I fit in with morning television because I'm like a vampire and I like to stay up late.

I get plenty of, 'Is that song about me?' from men but I just tell them to get over themselves.

There's nothing wrong with a thick eyebrow; Frida Kahlo had them.

I'd rather die than let somebody get the better of me.

Dressing up is like therapy; I feel better in myself when I've made an effort.

Mum doesn't like it when I mention that Dad's a better cook than her. He was born in Spain and spent eight years in Portugal and is exceptional at lots of cuisines.

I get to know my regular fans, and they inspire me.

It's tragic that you can define a whole movement in music by gender alone. People are like, 'Oh, look, another quirky girl.'

My favourite authors are Milan Kundera and Jeanette Winterson.

You know, my mum's always encouraged me and never made my gender an issue, I guess. She brought me up to believe in equality, as opposed to feminism or sexism - so it just meant that my gender was not relevant to what I was capable of achieving.

I don't overthink when I'm styling. I kind of forgive myself and accept that I will make mistakes. Getting dressed should be a fun experience!

I was mainly raised by a working mum who didn't have much time or inclination for making food. So I had three or four basic meals: fish fingers and a tomato; a packet scotch egg and a tomato; pasta with a tin of tomatoes; and extra mild plastic-y cheddar chopped into cubes with bits of cucumber.

I dread the idea of a paparazzi snapping me while I'm out running.