I'm not one for sightseeing or going around the shops when I'm on holiday. I do enough shopping when I'm at home, and like to have a complete break when I'm away.

I'd say that, first and foremost, I'm a performer; I started performing when I was four years old, and being on stage from a young age set me up.

I like sparkles; I think I'm a magpie.

I'm proud of being British, but I think our aristocracy is overrated.

Working with Terry Gilliam was magic - I've been watching his films since I was little.

I don't know anyone, from any class, who's had a perfectly easy life. I've met people born into wealthy families who feel like they didn't have much emotional support, and people who come from working-class families who had loads of love but no money.

I'd love to say that I could write political songs, but I don't feel clued-up enough.

Adele's like a beacon of honesty. Doesn't compromise, goes to America and she's still the same sweary cockney.

I wasn't really comfortable reading until I was 12.

I think everybody should focus on inner beauty.

Celebrity culture is an aspirational culture regardless of how much you don't want it to be.

I enjoy being a girl.

I want my shows to be eerie and mysterious.

Cinema affects everything, from the way I get dressed to how I build my stages.

I really like to please people, and I think it's a symptom of being an only child.

I think I'd be a million times more successful and more iconic if I was a singer in the '40s. I'd be allowed a level of mystery, and I think I'd suit that decade.

Once you accept that we're all imperfect, it's the most liberating thing in the world. Then you can go around making mistakes and saying the wrong thing and tripping over on the street and all that and not feel worried.

If I go out with no make-up and a tracksuit on, nobody comes up to me. And if they do, I won't do a photo because I wouldn't want any photographic evidence.

I just really want to make albums - and however I can, I will.

Sometimes when you've got too much money you lose your imagination.

I'm not interested in what other people are doing. That's their business.

I'd never go on a reality show - it's too invasive.

I've got so many clothes; I can dress in any style.

If I see something that inspires me, I'll dress like it.