I try to stick to a certain diet all the time, and then when I feel like a reward, I have it. I try to stick to no dairy, no sugar, no wheat.

A lot of men do have a fear of my ultra-femininity. Sometimes people say I look like a drag queen, that I look scary, but I think that's a fear of my confidence. Most women in contemporary culture pare down their femininity, so there's a slight androgyny about them, and I think men have got used to seeing that.

You feel a sense of elation seeing yourself on a billboard.

There's nothing better than achieving your goals, whatever they might be.

I think initially, the record industry struggled a lot with digital media because there are a lot of aspects to it that can potentially destroy our industry.

All creative people have to have vulnerability because those nuances are what move people. So I'm deeply insecure - but I'm good at hiding it.

Anything that's on television as often as someone on 'The X Factor' is what's successful. That doesn't mean that I condone that or think that it's right. To be honest, I'd be the first to say I think it's a shame. But if that's the way it is then that's the way it is.

We all get old, but I always say the skinny, pretty girls will be screwed.

I stay true to my lyrics. If I go back and look at them in hindsight, the emotions I had when I wrote them have passed. It feels unjustified to change them.

I'm very affected by what I watch and read.

Whatever you are, you have the right to get married.

We live in a society where everything's packaged.

I'm not a downtrodden woman. I just won't be.

I don't have a competitive bone in my body, so the last thing I want to do is be competing with people.

You cannot schedule death.

I have a lot of admiration for people who've been in relationships a long time, married for years.

I lend people money, but I'd never lend something that would jeopardise a friendship if I didn't get it back.

I just have an inability to lie.

My mum came from nothing and didn't have many opportunities in her youth, and she blames a lot of her social inadequacies on that.

I like someone with a really good and dark sense of humour.

Real talent shines through regardless of how many others there are around you.

I was once in a long relationship with a man who ran a vintage clothes store but had been a chef, so I'd come home each night to a different three-course meal. I was quite fat, but so happy.

I'm really into food; it's one of my favourite things - everything from potato waffles to lobster.

I don't understand why the accent you speak in has to indicate what level of intellect you have.