I don't want to slip into Johnny Borrell mode. I don't want to be singing that there's nothing on TV, nothing on the radio.

I left school just shy of 17: I'd started going into touring and that situation.

Racism is one of the worst forms of torture because it's directed at something you never asked for and something you can't change.

When you open your mind up, and you go into a creative state, you can't just switch if off. When you have an idea, a creative impulse, and then you ignore it, it can keep you up when you just want to go to your bed - which is why it's great to have voice recorders on your phone!

My songwriting... it's almost like a kind of self-therapy.

You walk with a different air if you're wearing something sharp.

I like to record something pretty much as soon as I have an idea for a song, but I'm on so many buses, I have to record on my mobile.

I remember I wanted to be Zorro, but I also wanted to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. I obviously had ideas above my station.

I'm in the highest bracket. There's no way that a 22-year-old should be hit for that amount of money when he's got his whole life ahead of him.

Just remember that if you've lost something, you will be open to something else.

Politicians have an arrogance that I just do not understand. I've seen more constructive debates in high school.

To sing with Led Zeppelin has allowed me to offer the best places I could afford to my family and friends!

I'm not one to go down that road to say I have some kind of social consciousness.

The songs are just an attempt to document what's been happening in my life. If people can relate to what's going on with me, then that's great.

As a kid, I loved to sing along to the Drifters and Otis Redding.

I'm always looking for people to play the songs to.

One of my ambitions is to move to Tuscany. I like the idea of getting a vineyard. I love being under the sun and being casual and comfortable. That's my idea of heaven.

I'm not a fan of second-hand or vintage clothes.

It's not about someone making a difference on their own; it's about everybody pulling together to make a difference.

I can't speak much Italian. I do go down well over there, but it's frustrating because I can't really speak it. Even if I do talk, they can't understand my accent, but I should try to learn it.

My inspiration for songs is just everyday life. I just write down words about things that have happened to me, people I've met.

It's a sacred thing, but I do want to get married. I'd love that.

You should have something to say, an idea you want to get out, and if you don't, just get out of the way, 'cause there's so many great musicians and writers that are in the queue.

Music can really help people, help individuals in beautiful ways.