I wish I was more stupid because I'm either completely ecstatic and joyous and absolutely high as a kite or I'm a bit morbid. There's never anything in between.

Curvy is something to be proud of.

I vote Labour and can't begin to acknowledge anything good that comes from a Tory.

All the things that I find beautiful have a darkness about them.

My desire to experiment comes from my attention-deficit approach to cosmetics. I just get really bored, really easily.

I think that there should be options available, quite early on, that if someone is recognised as a disruptive child, for them to be trained vocationally. Maybe if those kids were given the option to learn how to contribute to society on a practical level they wouldn't get into trouble.

I think soul is soul. I don't see new soul as any different to old soul.

Sometimes people fear the truth. They'd rather not speak to you than know what you really think.

I am inspired by show girls and Vegas. I was a cabaret performer, so that's where all that influence comes from.

I've spent a lot of time being bohemian and sleeping on floors, but eventually I want to have kids and I want to bring them up in a secure environment.

Anybody who says they don't want to be seen on a show which has millions of people watching it at one time when they're in the business of selling records is a bit silly.

I use debit cards for everyday purchases, as I don't believe in credit cards. But this has caused problems, especially with American touring, because I refuse to have a credit card - and in America you can't pay for anything on a debit card.

The freedom that money gives you makes you... well, I wouldn't say happy, but I'd say it gives you diversity.

I'm so used to changing time zones that I can sleep at any time. I'm rarely ever tossing and turning - if I am, it's really a big deal.

Some men think that if you're empowered and sure of yourself then you're a man-hater, but it's like, 'No, I'm just the same as you are, but maybe just a tiny bit more confident.'

I'm under no illusion that there are things about me that I'd like to change. I just accept who I am, and I'm proud of it.

When you research prolific songwriters, it is usually later in their career they write songs that they distance themselves from, or it's about other people.

I love interesting people with eccentric stories and outsiders of the world.

I try not to brand myself 'weird' any more because it sticks.

I love going to the cinema. Whenever I get time off, that's where I go.

When I do my shows, it's really cross-generational. Sometimes there's three generations there.

I feel curious about every situation I'm in.

I travel regularly and have learnt to be very methodical as far as packing is concerned. For example, I always check the weather in advance of where I'm going to ensure that I've packed the right clothes.

I don't normally have time to read, so when I go away I like to take a few books.