I'm a big believer that if you want things to change you have to embody that change.

I come from a single-parent family and my Mum is super liberal.

I grew up loving artists like the Spice Girls and Britney Spears - artists who seemed to live this fantasy lifestyle, and I remember always wanting to join these fantasy people in that world.

At 13 I taught myself piano from an old song book, and Joni Mitchell's 'Both Sides Now' was the first song I learned.

I'd love to work with SBTRKT if he'd have me.

I feel like you could listen to any Bon Iver song and it would make you cry. They're all so heart-wrenching.

All the best songs have an element of sadness.

I feel like listening to sad songs are a way of narrating your life and confirming your identity.

Now, to be a mainstream act, you have to be firing on all cylinders on so many different platforms. You've got to have a social media voice. You've got to do promo on TV. You've got to tour everywhere.

I get to do my own thing with music. I get to write the songs and sing the songs. As an actor, you have to do what someone else tells you to do and say someone else's words. And you're limited by the way you look and music is just more rewarding creatively for me.

My mum listened to stuff like Alanis Morissette and Tori Amos, but she also listened to a lot of '80s stuff like Heart. I still quite like Heart.

I used to travel a lot as a kid and when I first moved to England I felt lonely and my parents were splitting up at the time.

Felt really low as a teenager and hearing music from artists that could express their pain in a way that is beautiful and made me feel better about the way I felt and I think that is something that anyone can relate to.

We could perform in space or be the first band to play moon, but we want to be the first 'Star Wars' band.

I think all of the best songs are about heartbreak and love.

We used to have quirky weird bands that made dance music like the Pet Shop Boys and Depeche Mode and I think people have still got an appetite for that type of music-melody and darkness.

I hear bands say they don't know what country they are in at times. Now I understand because we sleep at weird times and are always in different places - but I'm not moaning. It's all fun.

I want to do a song with Rihanna - we need to make that work.

I am obsessed with Matt Healy.

I think there's strength in being honest and open about yourself and your struggles. But it can also be a challenge. This is my life, I live with my own mental health, and that is happening to me every day. I can talk about it from a position of 'Oh, I've done this' but I'm still living that existence.

With anxiety and depression, what's been most helpful to me has been learning a toolbox - a set of skills I can use when I'm in periods of low mood or feel an anxiety attack coming on. When Years & Years took off it felt like I needed that toolbox really quickly.

I get a real thrill for being 'overtly queer' in my aesthetic.

I used to be scared of people thinking I was gay but now I'd be shocked if they didn't.

We can't police the way people express their sexuality.