I like records that flow really well and you don't have to skip around because there's lot of different jumps.

I really love things with melody.

I'm not a great piano player.

Anyone can look pretty with hair and make-up.

I just want to make my music, and I want it to stand on its own.

I'm ballsy. Well, sometimes I'm ballsy.

I love my dad and we have a very good relationship now.

I didn't think it was fair to my music to label me as the daughter of somebody - I didn't think it described me very well and I didn't think it had anything to do with my music.

There are absolutely no problems between me, my dad and my sister. Obviously I grew up with just my mum, but my relationship with my dad is just fine.

Making records is fun. It's not some big statement. You're allowed to make mistakes.

People will read into what you say no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

I always try to do something different. I don't think I've made the same record over and over.

Nobody can tell you you're wrong for writing a song about how you feel - even if you don't really feel that way.

I don't think it's a bad thing to share how you feel, especially if people can relate to it.

Breaking up is just hard, even if you're the one breaking up. It's not fun. It can be dramatic and complicated. And then you get a little distance and you think, why did it have to be so complicated and dramatic?

On the first album I was saying, that's just one part of me. And then I was thinking, well, am I going to hide the rest of me now just because I'm afraid of something? No. I'm just going to be myself.

I'm always going to do that - record and make music.

Success and the art of making music are two different things for me.

I've been told the weirdest things: 'Yeah, I love taking a bath to your music!' or 'I gave birth to my daughter while listening to your music.'

I like songs with a lot of heart and feeling and subtlety.

I'm not going to play lead guitar in a concert hall full of people, because I'm going to mess up a lot.

I feel like I've been lucky, because I don't feel like I've ever tried to be somebody I'm not. People might disagree.

I'd done recordings, little demos, since I was in college, which I used to get gigs. But I never thought I'd have a record label.

I like barbecuing because it's easy.