You can't have a nuanced debate on Twitter, it's just people shouting.

I love being alone.

My mum's super Labour, and my gran. We all love Jeremy Corbyn in the family. Those are very deep roots and I feel like I could never not vote for Labour. Or I could never vote for the Tories because of that.

What's great about being gay is that you can celebrate all types of sexualities, because we understand that being queer means you might also be gender nonconforming or bi or whatever.

If you're making something tangible, whether it's clothing, a song, a piece of art... when you create something that's outside of yourself you take a bit of the pain and it's released, you let it out a little bit. That's my Oprah Winfrey moment.

I was a fan of Belle and Sebastian. I didn't really know a lot of their music - I only knew the kind of bigger songs because I had a friend, when I was younger, who was really into them. But I have always really respected Belle and Sebastian for what they are, what they do. Yeah, they're just great.

I think the word 'twink' is pejorative. There's something endemic about the gay community where we praise masculinity more than anything else.

When I was younger I thought that if you were famous and successful, it would mean that you just felt happy all the time. That you would become, like, this mystical creature that people just adored. And so you would adore yourself.

School was like a hostile place. I just hated being at school. I think some people really thrive in that environment. I was a good student, but I just didn't enjoy school. I found it really tough.

Justin Tranter is an incredible queer voice in pop music and he's writing for Justin Bieber: it's genius.

I'm a real left-winger. I fancy Jeremy Corbyn!

Let's let our men be happy, be sad, be trans, be questioning, be bisexual, be non-conforming, be feminine, be masculine!

I was never diagnosed with an eating disorder but I definitely had a difficult relationship with food.

I like how it presented this contradiction because traditionally gay people have been shut out from the church, so 'Sanctify' was claiming a bit of that back and saying, 'My sexuality is holy.'

I think everyone knows what it is like being in love. It's never a smooth thing. Whether you are happily together or not.

I love TLC and Aaliyah and all those early-millennial R&B singers.

I feel sorry for straight people.

My lyrics are about same-sex relationships, because that's who I am. It was important to me that I felt comfortable expressing myself.

I think the reason I've been so committed to advocacy is because I see so many people in pain.

I actually write more on guitar than I do on piano.

Songwriting is something I really need to work on. I don't have very many songs but I really love it. I would love to be a great song writer some day.

I think singing comes most naturally for me. Because it's part of your body - it's a natural thing. You can practice all you want but it's part of your body.

For a young artist to really make it and make money is a lot more difficult these days.

I hope there are some audiophiles still out there.