I became a musician so I wouldn't have to get up at 6 in the morning.

A lot of pop people out there are cool, but they overdo it.

I think it's important for people who love music to retain physical CDs or even vinyl, because it sounds so great and so much warmer than music over the internet.

I could do without 'cool' publications calling me 'mom jazz.' But I laughed all the way to the bank, baby.

I've always loved to read. But sometimes I go for a year without reading, because I forget to.

Sometimes when you're trying to do a record too close to home, you can get really distracted.

A song will keep going round in my brain and keep me awake.

My mom and I have always been very close. She is my best friend. She had to make a lot of sacrifices early on in my life to make sure I got to do what I wanted to do.

I love eggs so much. I feel like my day hasn't started until I've had eggs. I'm probably gonna die from high cholesterol!

I used to be a jazz snob, believe it or not. I sort of turned my nose up at anything more commercial.

I feel like all the songs are little scenes, different angles, of the feelings that come around something ending.

I'm not planning to jump off a bridge with no bungee.

When I moved to New York, I fell head over heels back into country music and probably 'cause I missed something about Texas.

I'm not trying to conquer Hollywood. I love my day job.

There was an enormous amount of pressure when my first album took off, and I struggled with the speed of everything and the exhaustion from the constant touring.

A record is just a snapshot of where you are at any time.

I just want to keep making music, recording and trying different things. I don't want to do the same thing all the time.

I'm not a very dark person.

There's a lot of personal stuff that can go into songwriting but there's also a lot of dramatization and fictionalization. You have to do that to make a good song.

When something's ending, you go through so many phases, and it can be frustrating. But once you're out on the other side, it's like you can really see all the crazy phases you went through.

I'm a musician because I love it and it's supposed to be fun.

I don't actually have a lot of discipline. I've worked hard at music. But I feel like you know, I felt like kind of natural at it. I always had a knack for it.

You know, when you have a father who's pretty well known but you don't see him, the last thing you want to do is start talking about him all the time to people.

During my first photo shoot, I was unhappy because they put so much makeup on me and straightened my hair. I've been stubborn ever since.