I love the NFL. I don't have a team per se, but I'm into it.

I don't think people need to know what colour socks I'm wearing today; I don't think people need to know what shower gel I'm using. There's too much information in the world, and there's no magic or mystery anymore.

Anything that's of any use, famous people get hold of it and take it for themselves and it gets a bad rap.

As I get older, I don't aggressively pursue songs. All the great ones just appear.

I first came to London when I was 22 and working as a roadie. Having watched the 'News At Ten' all my life, I thought Big Ben was going to be massive, but I was underwhelmed.

You have to make the effort with children. You can't have them thinking that I reckon I'm special, otherwise they'll start thinking they're special. I want them to feel normal for as long as possible because God knows they'll reach an age when they'll be told they're not.

I absolutely loved being famous. It was all great, up until the point when it wasn't.

I'm used to people being a mile away. That suits me. It's more nerve-wracking playing in front of people who are two feet away from me.

I'm not technically proficient enough to attempt all kinds of music.

Frontmen come alive when they come onstage.

I've grown to love California: It's the dream of every English musician to come here and work in the sunshine. To walk up Sunset Boulevard, knowing you're going to make music - that's it.

There's not enough good things in the world.

I know there's bands that might write something that sounds like The Smiths, and they'll go, 'Oh, it sounds like The Smiths, we've got to make it sound not like The Smiths.'

I've got my own style on the guitar, sure, and I play rhythm in a certain way, and I use certain inflections. People have said that to me, and I understand it.

Why is the rest of the world so overcrowded? Nobody lives in America! We're all squashed up on top of each other in London.

I'm a little bit of a control freak when it comes to my music, unfortunately.

I don't like being on television when I'm playing live. I don't even like being on Jools Holland or any of them programs.

Every song that I play I wrote by myself.

People say I seem very negative about new music - well, if somebody asks me what I think of Keane, I'll tell 'em. I don't like 'em. I'll obviously take it a step too far and grossly insult the keyboard player's mam or summat, but I'm afraid that's just me.

I'm against people downloading music.

I do think my old fella wasn't much of a... I don't remember him ever being a 'dad' dad. He was too busy working. It was a hard life, man.

Women have nine months more experience than you do - nine months to prepare for being a parent.

Under Thatcher, who ruled us with an iron rod, great art was made. Amazing designers and musicians. Acid house was born. Very colourful and progressive.

It's a sad state when more people retweet than buy records.