Solo artists are generally totally insane. Elton John? Slightly eccentric. George Michael? He's mad as custard.

You'll find people who rib you about their age are petrified about getting old. It doesn't bother me.

You've just got to trust your instincts and realize that you can't please all the people all the time. You've got to please yourself ultimately in the end.

I go into Daunt Books in Marylebone every couple of weeks. My wife Sara demolishes books, but I only buy stuff occasionally. I like boys' things, spies and the Cold War.

You can't put a load of rockstars up on a stage and expect to wipe out global poverty. That's ludicrous.

My wife would say I'm not romantic at all, but I would say that I'm the ultimate romancer because I write about... life being brilliant.

To be quite honest, John Lennon had questionable politics. There was a flip side. He was all peace and love, but he was a very violent character.

Music is a thing that changes people's lives. It has the capacity to make young people's lives better.

With every song that I write, I compare it to the Beatles. The thing is, they only got there before me. If I'd been born at the same time as John Lennon, I'd have been up there.

The charts are only relevant when you're top of them!

You've got to be strong enough for love. It's very easy to be cool and cynical. It's very difficult to just let yourself go and be in love. You've got to be strong enough for that.

Rock n' roll to me is all about freedom of thought and to be whatever you want to be.

We're not arrogant, we just believe we're the best band in the world.

Great music is in the ear of the beholder.

I'm not interested in making money. It's just that with my talent, I'm cursed with it.

I don't live to work; I work to live.

My music is influenced by L.A. culture.

I really love the culture of hip-hop.

When I first stopped going to high school, I was about 15, 16. It had to be, like, 2000, 2001.

I realized the power of hip-hop. I realized how influential this music and this culture are.

Proud 2 Pay - that's something that distinguishes me, that's something that defines me, and we're going to keep that going.

As an entrepreneur, as an investor, I'm trying to be as educated as I can to where the progression of technological capability is going and what it does to these different categories that, me as an artist and an influencer, I can get involved and bring value.

Every artist wants something different out the game.

I seen a lot of artists be hot for a minute, and then that's it, and somebody else come in.