Oasis can't be summed up in one word. I could do a sentence: Boys from council estate made it very, very big.

America is incredibly professional and corporate.

I don't dislike rappers or hip-hop or people who like it. I went to the Def Jam tour in Manchester in the '80s when rap was inspirational. Public Enemy were awesome. But it's all about status and bling now, and it doesn't say anything to me.

For the record, I Iike Jay-Z. That's my opinion.

I have 3 kids and a cat and a busy, noisy house. I get more time to relax when I'm working.

Tony Blair is a brilliant politician. Unfortunately, his legacy is entwined with George W. Bush because of Iraq.

Twenty years from now, will we listen to Lady Gaga? No. She might think she is making a stand for the freaks and the weirdos. But they're not going to have any decent music to play, are they?

If I can give you any advice, it's this: every hour that you spend sat on the couch doing nothing, put it to good use, because when you have kids, an hour is like a lifetime.

I love the Bee Gees, but only the pre-disco stuff. From '64 to '69, I've got all their albums.

When I was 16 I'd watch 'The Godfather,' but I didn't think, 'Right, I'm going to go down the barber's and get some protection money off him.'

We shouldn't need riot police at schools.

I don't much like 'Wonderwall,' but the effect that song has on people, I can't deny it.

What's problematic about playing stadiums and driving around in private jets and drinking champagne at 8 o'clock in the morning? What's wrong with that? I haven't got a problem with that. I can't fathom why people would.

I've never been asked to do a collaboration. I guess I just don't give off that come-and-get-me vibe. I wouldn't be adverse to doing one with Coldplay or U2 - anyone who sells 50 million albums.

There's no reason, ever, to be late. Or early.

You can't be a mod and a rocker. You have to choose sides.

Oasis were the last great, traditional rock-n'-roll band. We came along before the Internet so, if you wanted to see us, you had to be there. It makes me feel like a righteous old man.

When you're the cash cow that lays the golden goose egg, people are always going to cheer you on, whatever.

I'm a happy-go-lucky character. I'm not that miserable. But I can never let anyone into my world.

Fame is something that is bestowed upon you because of success. Success is something you have to chase.

I remember the '70s constantly being winter in Manchester and the Irish community in Manchester closing ranks because of the IRA bombings in Birmingham and Manchester, and you know the bin-workers' strike, all wrapped up in it... They were violent times. Violence at home and violence at football matches.

There's nothing good on the news. You're not telling me CNN is all cats in trees, are you? Nothing can be that good if Piers Morgan is in it, you know what I mean?

You can't afford to think about what might have been. You just be aware of what is.

My first instinct when I write songs is not a negative one. It's something positive... Everything I've ever done has some form of hope in it, I think.