Kids and family life are only as good as your wife, and she's amazing.

Even in the nineties, when it was mad and there were photographers all around the house, it never occurred to me to send someone else out to get cigarettes. It took me five minutes - went for a walk, gave a wave, went back inside.

There's enough music in the world. There are enough rock stars.

When a lot of musicians change styles, their songwriting suffers because they want to be different.

I don't have the genetic make up of a frontman, but I'm learning how to do it.

If everyone in the music business were brutally honest about what their intentions were then you could sort things out, but it's all smoke and mirrors.

American sports are quite masculine. And football - although it's still played by men all over the world - football compared to American football is quite feminine in its artistry. And there's no padding. It's America's loss, though.

I don't fall into the category of tortured artist. But it's not made me more or less anything.

When you're in a band and there's five of you, you have to accommodate five people in every song.

In business, you can have one massive success that earns $50 million overnight, and that's it. You're successful. End of story. But in the music business, you have to keep on doing it.

I've never felt like I had anything important to say.

I've never understood musicians who don't enjoy doing promotional interviews. I just can't believe it. I always think, 'Your life must have been so brilliant before you were in a band.'

I don't think we live in those times when great art comes out of great adversity.

I've always been into guitars... we want to put keyboards on, but keyboard players don't look cool onstage, they just keep their heads down. There has never been a cool keyboard player, apart from Elton John.

If I were in the Beatles, I'd be a good George Harrison.

Americans are crazy. They have this fascination with throwing their shoes on stage. I've been to a lot of shows in me life, some good and some bad. But I was never moved to take off me shoes and throw it at the lead singer.

I started off as many fathers do. I enjoyed the good bits, but I was wary of the responsibility. But now I love being a dad.

Chart positions are for people with manbags who get to work at 11 A.M. because they've been at a digital meeting.

Making records should be fun.

These fledgling democracies in the Middle East, they're actually fighting for their freedom. And what are they rioting for in England? Leisurewear.

You don't have to be great to be successful. Look at Phil Collins.

Gone are the days when Virgin Records was owned by Richard Branson, a fan of music. Now they're all owned by some guy who bought it off some guy who bought it off some guy who wants a return on his investment.

My son ain't going to be miserable because he's going to be the child of a rock star, the end.

Producers like to record all the drums first, then they do the bass, then all the guitars, so you're constantly moving from one song to another.