Designers send me clothes I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing.

If you're a female and you get asked by someone who shoots the most beautiful female scenes to be in their film, it's kind of exciting.

I wasn't a trained Mickey Mouse club performer. I played in jazz clubs and restaurants.

Maybe I'm genetically more inclined to music - but the music I make is so far removed from Indian classical music. I grew up in Texas!

It's true, there's a lot of melancholy in my music. I don't know why, I'm not a melancholy person. I've always been drawn to it. Ever since I was a kid, if I had an album I would play the ballads on repeat.

The coolest thing I've gotten to do in the past few years is guest star on Sesame Street.

I don't try to sound like anyone but me anymore. If something is out of my element, I try to avoid it.

What I was going for in the first two albums I didn't necessarily achieve. Because I was young and because it was my first time out. And the second album was such a 'quickie' sort of 'Let's just get it over with!' But the kind of music I make, there's a lot of subtlety in it. And I think it takes a couple of listens to actually really get it.

Nobody was listening when I learned how to play music. But there's something about being on stage, talking to the audience, looking at them and smiling, that's always been difficult for me. I'm a lot more comfortable now, but there are still moments of awkwardness.

I'm very American.

Songs are about whatever you want them to be about. For me it might mean something completely different than what it means to you. So I'd say it's about whatever the listener thinks it's about.

I don't want to be singing my diary.

Everyone in my high school was a bit nerdy. We didn't even have a football team.

I should have a therapist. I have plenty to therapise about.

For me making music is part social, part interaction, part collaboration.

I would love to make a real jazz album someday because I never have. But that's something I'm not in a rush to do.

It's fun to peek into other people's worlds and see how they go about doing things.

Every album I've ever been involved in, on the day that it came out I believed in it.

When I'm doing music and I'm on the road, I love it. But once I'm home, it's very difficult to go back out on the road.

I can make going to the dry-cleaners last an entire day, and the dry cleaners might be 150 yards from my front door. You might find it hard to believe, but I am bone-idle lazy.

My kids have got to work themselves around my life, not the other way. That's how kids become brats, if you're there staring at them all the time going, 'Are you alright?'

Rock stardom will die because nobody will make enough money any more to be rock stars.

I like Chris Martin. I think he's a really great songwriter.

You can't really write a full album about your missus. She'll start getting the wrong idea and start thinking I like her.