The term 'renaissance man' is always bandied about. I don't think that applies to me. You think about Leonardo da Vinci, and he was a painter and a physicist and an architect, and that is a true renaissance man.

Dogs have boundless enthusiasm but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach.

Obviously there's so many great artists out there that I'd love to work with.

A fear of not being good enough? But that's what drives me.

The songs I write are about how I feel and the vibe I'm in. So whether I'm on a tour or at home it's like all about how you feel in the certain time you sit down.

I think everyone grew up thinking that by their mid-20s they'd have everything sorted out, but I know I don't.

It's such a horrible feeling to not be honest to who you are.

Even though I have a huge love for alternative music and punk music, particularly, I have always had the love for pop music inside of me. Therefore actually it felt kind of natural for me to have different projects with different genres.

I was a trouble teenager. I was uncontrollable, but I haven't done anything that I'm not proud of.

I dream of doing something where people are like: 'That's different, but it's still something I can relate to,' because that's the way of moving forward.

I want to be myself otherwise what's the point.

The hardest thing about being a woman is different for everyone. For me, it's the mirage of 'having it all' somewhere off in the distance. I think in many ways you do have to choose.

I'm a huge fan of the Moomins and my fans are called Momins. They're the best, so creative, talented and sweet - just like Moomins.

For a long time I wasn't actually listening to pop. But when I got back into electronic and hip-hop stuff, I rediscovered my passion for pop music.

I was a bit of a tomboy.

I try not to spend too much time online but at the same time if I didn't, I'd be isolated.

The older I get the more I become aware that I'm a woman.

You don't want political acts to become something you just have to do in order to look good.

Obviously I am a huge Major Lazer fan.

You get very inspired on tour.

Ever since I was 19, I've been in a relationship, to be honest. I always go from one to another, for some weird reason, and I always find someone where I connect on a personal level.

There's so much talk about female artists doing their own thing but being super supportive, coming together and doing projects together. I love that whole wave.

I love Duolingo. I'm learning Spanish on it, and it's such a good way to pass time on flights or the bus.

I didn't fit the mold of a popstar.