When I talk to older people, they're like, 'you know what Karen? Life will always offer you new situations where you'll feel totally inexperienced.' But I think that's a good thing because without struggle you don't learn anything, and if you stop learning, you stop living, you know?

I feel so grateful for the whole ride that I've been on.

In Denmark we're so privileged. You get money to study, you get money if you're sick and you get money if your hand hurts. It's hard to be critical of people who are sick getting money, but in Denmark everyone gets money thrown at them and it makes them lazy.

I think it's very important of course that you're politically aware of what you do.

I remember coming home when I was 14 and being like, 'Yeah, I'm a communist now!'

When I'm in a session with someone I don't know, I like hanging out for a moment and talking and seeing if we can find some similarities in whatever conversation we're having. The best thing is when you just go for it - just do something that feels good and makes you feel free in the moment.

For me, it's all about making a song that communicates something to a big crowd, but you still feel like it's authentic to who you are. That's that kind of pop that I hope and wish to do.

What I love about working with Diplo is that it feels very free and fluid - we can work on a song apart from each other or in the studio, and it's always, 'Let's brainstorm, here are new ideas.' I like that kind of workflow, where it's constantly moving.

The best present I have ever received was when I was about 13 and I got a really cool pair of black fake buffalo shoes. I was so happy about them. They were fake but I was ok with that.

It's funny, I really feel like I've learned a lot in my career but I still feel like a child. Like, an 11-year-old? I think it will be like that all my life, actually.

When I wrote my first album, I was reading Joseph Campbell - he's this philosopher who writes about mythology. That inspired the title, 'No Mythologies to Follow.'

Sometimes I like to write the lyrics while I'm on the road, because then you get even more melancholy.

I want to be sure I'm being myself. I don't want to follow something because someone's like 'do this, it's popular.'

People find it hard to place me. I'm doing pop, but I'm this weird quirky Dane that used to be in a punk band. And she's singing about being messed up but at the same time she seems normal? I don't know.

Kim Gordon is my biggest style icon.

I got into music around the age of eight years old, and I think the reason why was because I discovered the Spice Girls. I fell in love with them, and it was the first time I ever felt like the music was just directed to me.

Blur' is about feeling lost, and on a personal level I would be lying if I didn't mention that this song, for me, was about feeling creatively and artistically lost in the city of all great opportunities, Los Angeles.

Ever since I was a little kid, there was something about change that scared me so much, but, at the same time, I've always been terrified of being stuck, so it's kind of like a paradox that I'm living.

I had everything you could collect. I had these Spice Girls postcards. I also had the stickers and Barbie girls. I had all five of them. I was a real fangirl. They were actually preaching some cool stuff, the thing about girl power and sticking together with your best girlfriends.

It's so important that you are constantly moving. And when things are hard, it will just make you fight harder - that's what you need to develop as a person, I think.

I guess after the whole success with 'Lean On' - me being introduced into this more mainstream audience - I was a little scared of being my true self, and being vulnerable and being gritty.

You cannot just be the feature act, not that that's a bad thing, because that's a good thing, especially nowadays. But as an artist, you want to express yourself and you want to know what you want to express.

Linking With You' is about being in love with somebody and obsessing about 'playing the game' right.

Nostalgia has always been a key player in my songwriting cause within that space I find a great deal of inspiration.