A lot of my songs are about being a teenager with a tornado in your head.

Everything has always been so organic for me; I have no idea what I would be doing if it wasn't for music. Music forever!

I think books make you think in a different way than movies and documentaries.

I love a kind of androgynous look and then let the accessories / clothes shape it.

I think it's to do what's important to you, and having a lot of people - hopefully - listening to your work. It also involves being a credible artist, and being able to reach out to those who will buy into it for some other reason. But on a more personal level, success comes from having many close and strong relationships.

I was always into the West Coast rap, the production and the flows were always more appealing to me. I think my rapping days are over though.

I have been a huge fan of ABRA ever since I discovered her in 2016. I love her gloomy fresh universe and her youthful unique vocals. Also I find her lyrics and visual output super exciting.

As a teenager my favorite band was Sonic Youth, and everything they did was always obviously them, and always so artistic. There was another layer of meaning, underneath everything, that you could search for.

When I was around 12 or 13 my older brother had this friend who was a goth. He was dressed all in black... You know like super, super goth! I was just so drawn to that darkness and weirdness. I just wanted to rebel. And now that I think about it, rebel against what? I mean I have lovely parents and brother and things were always very great.

Everything changed after 'Lean On.'

I don't know if Kim Gordon does collaborations but I'd love to work with her on something one day.

In my heart, I want to believe I shouldn't give up anything to become a huge pop star.

In my heart I believe that the best pop is the weird stuff.

For me, as an artist, I think you have to experiment.

It's like when something good is happening with young people, then the old, grey people in power will be like: 'No! It cannot be like this!'

So many people have opinions and try to guide you, and everyone has the best intentions, but it makes it harder to cut through the noise and be like 'wow, this is what I really want to do.'

I love mainstream music.

When I was seven-years-old I discovered the Spice Girls. I fell in love immediately, and I decided I wanted to be a musician myself. This became my goal and my biggest passion to strive for. And so I dressed up as a pop star at Halloween 1996.

I have a crazy imagination, and it's a visual one that can be scary from time to time.

I've been a fan of House of Holland for a couple of years now and I actually had a secret dream of working with the brand one day! So obviously I was super thrilled when I got this chance!

As a kid I was super into all kinds of pop. It wasn't until I became a teenager that I moved more into alternative music and punk rock.

It's always been a mantra to me, when making music or creating art, that you have to be vulnerable.

The best pop songs are the ones that show that person's personality. It's harder to do those singles because the stars, moon and sun have to align and the audience have to be ready, but it's worth waiting for it.

I think I would like to kiss Darth Vader.