I love performing in New York. Just something about the energy that the crowd gives you, you give it back, a lot of interaction.

People know me for my work with Aventura, and for that, I am grateful.

I grew up in my neighborhood with salsa, of course bachata, but also hip-hop, Nirvana - it was just like a mixed culture. It was a beautiful thing for me because at the moment I started creating music, having all these different sounds and elements, it was very organic because I grew up with all these types different music.

When I get on stage, I try to win my pay: to please and that people leave satisfied... being seductive has given me good results.

I always had this fascination with superheroes. Who didn't love Hulk and Spider-Man?

You see a lot of talented people, but you usually don't see talented people who, behind the scenes, know how to conduct themselves on a higher level.

I've always idolized Jay-Z He's one of my favorite persons, even before I knew him personally.

I feel like, as an artist and a songwriter, I have to reach certain audiences and give people a little bit of everything.

I've always loved acting, and I do respect the craft.

I don't like my voice, and I don't enjoy my singing voice; I do what I do to bring pleasure and diversion to the fans.

When we started Aventura, I think a lot of - the reason why we became so successful besides, you know, doing good music, was also the fact that it was unique and different and never done.

I do proclaim myself king of bachata because I have to represent my genre. I have to always come out and put on the Superman cape. I'm pretty much representing my culture. I'm not going to change that. But I definitely don't want there to be a misconception where people are like, 'The only thing he likes to do is bachata.'

When you have Julio Iglesias on a song, I think that's golden.

When I begin working on a production, I don't really think about my previous album or albums. I try to have a real creative process.

I definitely need a girl that has a good sense of humor because there are some girls that are just very uptight.

I want to sell music. That's all I'm interested in selling.

I'm not just selling out Yankee Stadium; I'm selling out stadiums in Mexico, in Argentina - with my bachata. I try to stay true to what I do.

I just want people to know me.

I joined the church choir because there were these two hot chicks. Then people started giving me compliments. 'You really have a good voice.' Really? I just joined the choir for these girls.

The way Aventura became successful was so weird. We didn't have a major label. They say everything has a reason, but it's not easy to find. The only thing that was right was the music.

I'm very private, not the interview type.

I make them all my girlfriends. I just express to each and every one of them every chance I get that I have millions of girlfriends, my fans.

My fans love me; they've made me this sex symbol. I don't feel I am, but they feel that way. They find me attractive, like I'm a sexy dude. I try my best to make them believe the illusion.

I wanted to show people I'm like a modern Romeo. I'm romantic, but I can also be seductive. I can be cool and charismatic, swagger-type.