I have nothing against crossing over, but I don't need to change to cross over.

I think people look at me different when they see I'm dressed well. They pay attention. They know I'm about something.

I feel like the best relationships I've been in are those where things were more laid-back.

I think marriage can sometimes turn things into a business. It stops being about feelings.

When I was doing 'Formula Volume 1,' I had so many ideas that I knew one album was not going to be enough.

I go on stage for hours, and I like to give it my all.

I don't enjoy hearing myself talk.

I like a girl that keeps me in love and keeps me entertained.

I've got a superstar like Usher singing bachata, a tune featuring Lil Wayne. I'm offering people more than just bachata. That captures a new audience that would listen to bachata because Usher is singing.

When Aventura began, there was a lot of salsa and merengue, and we said, 'Let's just do what we do.' Then Aventura blew up, but urban was in its prime.

There really isn't a formula for success.

Boxing is a really difficult sport! So I don't want to tell you I wouldn't try it, but I guess everybody that does know about it, my friends, they tell me how difficult it is, and I'm like, 'Eh.'

That's my goal: to get the world to know who Romeo Santos is. His music. My music. Even if they don't like it, I want them to know who I am.

My life is nothing like my videos. I'm definitely not walking around with lots of hot women, as I am in my videos.

It's really sad for me that in the United States the Latino community is losing its culture and language, especially among kids born here - a lot of them can't even speak our language.

I've been so private. That's part of the reason they've said, 'Is Romeo gay?' No. I just don't want to show you my girl - if I got a girl.

I know what it is to be out entertaining millions and yet wanting to be home because you miss your loved ones.

My love life is good, and I feel like part of what's made it good is not talking about it.

I need to eat every three hours - it keeps my metabolism going so I stay at a certain weight.

I'm reaching a huge audience. I'm doing what artists like Beyonce are doing in terms of selling out stadiums. The difference is my audience speaks Spanish.

When I was producing 'Formula Vol. 2,' I knew I needed to come hard with the features and do something I hadn't done with Aventura. Collaborating with Drake was definitely one of those big steps that helped bachata go to the next level.

You could be the most beautiful girl, but if you're stuck up, that doesn't do it for me.

I grew up in a neighborhood that had a lot of things to offer, good and bad.

One day, my father brings a cassette. He's showing me this, and he's like, 'Look at this guy, his name is Anthony Santos, like you.' I popped it on and started hearing the songs, the music, and I was like, 'Wow, this sounds great.'