Forget about musical credibility. I think, unless you're Radiohead or whatever, it's pointless striving for that. What I would like is some respect.

I worked very hard in my first marriage, and I travelled constantly to make money for the family, and when I came home, I would be the best father that I could be.

One time, a fan jumped on the back of our vehicle, and without noticing, we drove away. I was pretty frightened, actually.

I listen to loads of different music all the time.

My dad taught me to work hard and be a grafter, and my mam taught me to have a heart and showed me how to love. That's a good balance.

I find it very hard to make choices.

When we live in a world where everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame, I think it's nice to have a show like 'All Together Now,' where it's about people having 15 minutes of fun.

I've gone through some dark times, and at those times, my tattoos have helped and guided me through.

I try to stay fit and healthy and eat well.

I've never been particularly happy with what I see in the mirror - I don't think anybody ever is. And I'd like to be taller, too: I'm 5 ft. 9in.

I hate seeing people getting a raw deal and artists not being in control of what they are doing. It happens all the time.

I'm glad to have a couple a quid in my pocket to be able to enjoy life.

As a parent, you're never wrong in your children's eyes.

My future definitely lies in the music business.

I would like to take on roles which nobody would expect. I don't want to be reduced to love stories. I'd like to try dark, edgy roles. I need a challenge.

The song 'Gave It All Away' has a reggae sound.

I've done a couple of castings... I've done an audition for 'The Hobbit.'

I would love to do a Bollywood flick.

My average day is with my wife and kids in Dublin, doing school runs, grocery store, feeding and walking the dogs.

Being in a boy ban,d you're not allowed to be good at anything. You're not allowed to be talented. You're not really allowed to be a songwriter. You're not allowed to be that good a singer.

I love not only the chubby ones, but also the skinny ones, black hair, the blondes... when I get up the stage, I give myself completely.

I believe that if each one of us have successful solo careers, it can only help the group's growth. It will allow the fans to see individual talent and make them appreciate us more. After all, we are in this for the long run and have every intention of returning with another album as Aventura.

My biggest tunes - 'Eres Mia,' 'Llevame Contigo,' 'Propuesta Indecente' - they aren't featuring anyone but me.

I'm always onstage, and everyone there already loves me, so I go with this certain confidence.