Me and me dad didn't have a great relationship when we were younger. We had a good relationship, but it wasn't an affectionate relationship.

I always wanted to make my parents feel proud of me.

People deserve to be happy.

I cook and do my own laundry.

We'll never do a show without honouring Steo in some shape or form, and that's really important to us.

The industry has changed in that it is far more disposable than it used to be. When Boyzone came out, we were given a shot and the patience to record our singles and albums. Nowadays, the thought is if it is not working, then the artist will be dropped. The record companies will bail on the artists, and I find that sad.

Being in a boy band, everyone has an opinion of all of us and what we do. There was a time I fought with that.

It's that kind of Dublin mentality: you just have to grin and bear some things.

A musical is never something I thought I'd do.

As a working-class boy, golf was never really on my radar, and when I was growing up, Irish football was my sporting passion.

I grew up as the youngest child in a big, noisy family, and there was always someone around to hang out with.

I'm a good dad. I'm proud of that.

I've always had to work to feel reassured, to feel secure, and that's not nice because you don't know where you stand.

I put up a front to make people think I had all of this confidence in myself, which I didn't.

I've always been quite an insecure person.

I wouldn't want anyone to go through what my mam did - she was ill for two and a half years with breast cancer that moved to her spine, and died in 1998, when she was 51.

When greeting Pope Benedict a few years ago, I was meant to kiss the papal ring but I head-butted his hand instead. He just laughed at me.

I'd like less Irish-looking skin.

The toughest challenges I've faced are the deaths of my mother and Stephen Gately.

I'm not doing 'Once' to prove that I'm worldly or cultured. I just love the role.

I did a bit of running away when my mam passed away. I didn't go back to work; I started drinking quite a lot, and I know how damaging that can be.

As a kid, I was called Tintin because of my hair colour and style.

Having the guts to be the person you are is what makes you brave.

You need to be experimental. You try things, and it is OK if they don't always work necessarily.