You can stay in situations just for the sake of it. That can be a very dangerous thing and tough on your soul and heart.

You're just one of the guys who fills a suit, and that's what's drilled into you by the record company and the management - 'You're lucky to have it. Now shut your mouth.' I get where that comes from, but it takes time to shake it off.

Judging on 'The Voice' or the 'X Factor UK' would be great; that would be ideal, really. But I don't think it's going to happen.

Real-life experiences will probably end up in my music.

The Beckhams are really inspiring and have very elegantly risen to being the most powerful brand in the country. I'm sure a lot of couples look at that and say, 'Wow.'

I am not a fan of being in the sea. I like being in a boat - sailing.

Sydney is the most amazing city. The food and the beautiful beaches are fantastic, and all that surf and sunshine make you feel unbelievably relaxed.

I find the Aussies are great and just let you be. The odd time, somebody has something smart to say, but it's very rare.

I thought I'd go away and make one album, but it was extended. The album did so well, and they wanted another album. I was on a high. You make hay while the sun shines, and I was doing it, and you think about yourself; that's what you do.

I just want to be a good man.

When times are at their worst, it's amazing what people will do for you.

I wear my heart on my sleeve, and whatever I was giving, it was just coming from my natural place at that time. And you know, some albums I've made, I look back and think they were great, and then some I look at, and I think that wasn't right at the time.

I wasn't going to let anything control me.

I'm not incredibly wealthy. When you go through a divorce, that diminishes rapidly because you're supporting more than one household.

I'm not nervous coming back to my old audience. I'm looking forward to it. That's really what I do; that's my day job.

All my children are blessings. I love them to bits. They're my world.

I have a Superman tattoo on my right arm.

If Simon Cowell asked me, of course I would love to do 'X Factor.'

I'm a pop artist, and that's what I'll always be. I don't want to be a 'credible artist.'

I can take too big a step. I can try to be too cool, and people won't accept that.

Christmas is a special time of year for everyone - I remember getting my first BMX bike when I was a kid, and it was the best present ever.

I don't know how to use a washing machine.

The one thing I have always tried to get across is what you see is what you get. This is me, like it or lump it.

I have lived a crazy life since I was 16, have travelled the world, and met some amazing people. And if you can turn that into music, then you are doing something right.