I wanted to be Jon Bon Jovi and Bono. But I'm not that cool. I don't need to be. I'm not a rock star. I am who I am.

My faith is in God. If it's a little statue of Buddha or whatever works for you, brilliant.

As you get older, the cliches of life ring true. It's the simple things that matter most: your family, the people you love, your health and sanity.

Coffee isn't just a source of pleasure for me: it is something I rely on to get me through the day.

I'd tell my 16-year-old self, 'Don't take yourself so seriously, and just have fun.'

If you're an up-and-coming star, and you want to do well, then a show like 'The X Factor' is really important.

It's harder for someone like a singer to prove they can be an actor because people immediately want to say, 'Oh, he's no good.'

We were a working man's boy band.

Even at our height, we were never very polished.

The boys and I were all very close. There were never any bust-ups in Boyzone, never any fights.

I wanted to travel. I wanted hit records. I wanted success. I wanted respect, but not credibility - that's one thing Boyzone never looked for.

I don't need to do or say things to place me in a position where I look a bit cooler.

Music is my heart and soul. That's what I love to do.

I want time for my career, my kids, and my partner.

I think my feet were on the ground, and I had good family around me. It comes down to who you are and your upbringing.

My 13 year old, my girl Missy, has made four feature films. She's the most grounded, level-headed kid.

Kids are different. Boys and girls at 14, 15, 16 - some are more developed in the mind; some aren't... It comes down to the individual.

I love iTunes. I love downloading music.

I think eventually all music will be free.

I love making music, and performing, that will always be there.

Music is my passion.

Director Baz Luhrmann flew me to New York to read for 'Moulin Rouge!' Maybe I was a little blase about it.

You've got to take every day as it comes and live as if it's your last.

I have a great relationship with my kids.