I'm too much of a broad; I make men shake in their boots because I have a male dominance in my make-up that makes them feel emasculated.

I got involved in the underground world known as ballroom culture, and I used to walk a category called 'face,' and it was a very heavily Latino culture - it's black and Latino - and they used to call me 'cara,' which means face in Spanish, so I started putting 'cara' on everything: hats, jackets.

You can all get what you want to get, and so my journey was to show you how many times along the way adversity has stared me right in the face, and I've looked it right back and said, 'No.'

Give Good Face is about keeping an air of confidence on the outside and showing everybody that you have what it takes.

I always felt ,like, I'll leave autobiographies to the people who are kind of iconic.

I always tell the parents, 'You don't have to approve of your children; you just have to accept them for who they are.'

There's only RuPaul.

There have always been drag queens everywhere.

My husband's my soul mate. At the same time, RuPaul's my soul mate.

I get tons of emails every day from a lot of gays and young girls asking for help with their self-confidence and to heal and to feel. Even though I'm not an equipped social worker, I think the mom presence that I have makes them feel safe.

I'm an intimidating figure.

I'm loud and hard and in your face, and I tell the truth, and I think a lot of people fear the truth.

When you go into a show, you pray it's successful, but you just don't know what's going to happen.

I think if you buy the 'Christmas Queens 2' album, there will be songs you love and songs you hate, just like every other album.

I'm a musichead. My favorite Gaga song of all time is 'You & I' - it might not be the popular vote in terms of charts or sales, but it's my favorite.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder for real.

When I was younger, I would write a ton, mostly because my mom told me I had incredible creativity and a gift of using words, only these were words that didn't get me in trouble.

I'm a real theatre kid - that's all I ever wanted to be.

'Drag Race' is the escape that everybody needs - gay, straight, or otherwise.

The beautiful thing about 'Drag Race' is it's the most inclusive television show, probably on the planet. It's the place where kids go because they feel like they don't fit in anywhere else. It's the place they go to feel safe.

Any time you get to see a bunch of drag queens performing music and performing songs and being idiots, I'm in.

I try to be happy as much as I can. I'm really not a downer; I hate victims. I hate needy people. I'm that person who always tries to make the best of any situation. I'm probably happiest when I'm with my kids or with a gaggle of gays.

It's very difficult to be fully accepting of who you are when you've got that superficial world out there.

When I moved to New York, the gay community welcomed me with open arms and told me how beautiful I was. I will never turn my back on them.