As an adopted kid, it means a lot when I hear women say, 'I don't want kids.' I have a lot of respect for them.

You get one go round in this life. Why are you going to settle for second best when you can get everything you want out of it?

For me, my favorite Mariah Carey songs were never the singles, ever. My favorite Mariah song of all time is 'Sent From Up Above' from her first album, or 'Vanishing,' songs no one talks about.

It's taken me a long, long time to figure out how to deal with negativity, because it used to really upset me. I was always that girl that, if I was performing in the club and there was one person not paying attention or not liking me, the whole club could be packed with people loving me, but I'd be obsessed with that one person.

We have to fight for what's right the same way the brothers and sisters that came before us did. The ultimate example, and there are many others, was The Stonewall Inn. They were pushed until they could take no more.

I hate - I hate - queens coming on and doing boy drag on 'RuPaul's Drag Race' because I feel like it's not edgy; it's not different. You can see it anywhere.

Even though I present as heterosexual, I've been all over the planet sexually and proud of that and never tried to hide it.

I am very much about peace. There is so much turmoil in this world.

Growing up in New Jersey, teen clubs were your life. I'm not kidding! That was it. I was literally tied up five days a week with teen clubs; my parents would drop me off. Like, I didn't even drive.

I was a theater major, and I remember being in college, and whenever my professor would assign me songs that I hated, I really had a hard time singing them. One time, I even faked sick so I wouldn't have to sing a song.

I'm a heterosexual, married woman with children. I'm a mother who's also a track mom, who cooks and cleans. And I just happen to be an ally for the gay community.

Life is the greatest teacher.

I am a competitor, I am a Virgo, and for me, I would never quit anything.

It takes an awful lot to offend me.

There are a lot of kids out there that look at me as their mother, and I have my two biological children, and there are so many queens that look at me as an aunt or some sort of confidante, and I can absorb it really well.

Drag is never going to be completely mainstream because it's still a queer art form.

I agree with Ru that it'll never be mainstream, because mainstream means everybody knows it, everybody loves it, everybody accepts it. That's never gonna happen with drag, but it's definitely become more mainstreamed for people that never knew anything about it, being opened up to it as a form of art.

Style is objective, akin to art, so it varies.

I was the class weirdo, but I didn't own that weirdo moniker until much later.

As a mom to biological children and adopted gay children all around the world, nothing gives my heart strings a tug as much as seeing a parent stand by their queer/gay/trans child with beaming pride.

Human lives are human lives.

I love Oxford Circus, so I can do Primarni, and I can do River Island and Topshop and Selfridges.

I'm down for anything. I'll try anything once. I'm a party girl that way!

I love me a bit of Katie Price.