Listen, there's an expiration date for everything, but I mean, we're not burning out on 'Top Models,' are we? We're not burning out on making things in a 'Runway' room, are we? We're not getting enough 'Got Talent,' right? We'll never run out of talent. So, how could there be a 'Drag' burnout?

You don't have to give up your dreams in order to earn a living - they can go hand in hand.

There are different types of people in this world, and I am the type of person who loves to give.

I think Jennifer Lopez, Gwen Stefani, and Victoria Beckham all have an aesthetic that I admire, but I also love extreme risk takers like Miley Cyrus and Rihanna.

Growing up in the '80s in central New Jersey as a weird kid with a blue mohawk listening to the Sex Pistols and dressing really funky, I was bullied pretty badly. It was every single day in elementary school and kept going into middle school, too. I felt totally alone, without a single person there for me.

I would create the best 'Big Brother All-Stars!'

I love candles.

We love trans women; all of us know that drag wouldn't be an art form without trans women. I know that, RuPaul knows that, everybody in the gay community knows that. Trans women have always been a part of and the face of drag. And I can guarantee trans women will always be a part of 'RuPaul's Drag Race.'

'RuPaul's Drag Race'... is very little about boys who dress up in girls' clothing: it's very much about grit, integrity, heart, power of perseverance, and the power of love. It's also opening a dialogue up about the persecution and the marginalization of trans people, of queer people, of gender non-binary and gender fluid people.

The minute I enter my house or a hotel room on the road, wherever I am, the first thing I do is light a candle; that's my favourite thing.

I was raised in a Jewish family, but since I was adopted, my parents sent me to Hebrew school and Bible chapel, so I got the best of both worlds - singing in both a choir in Bible chapel and a chorus in Hebrew school. It shaped me and my voice.

Live life and enjoy it. That's the real key to beauty!

I am a biological female. I have two children. I've been married for 16 years. I've never been a man.

It's never too late to reclaim your inner diva and reclaim your inner strength.

I've always had a dream that I might write a Christmas song that might resonate with people during the holidays.

I'm a very slow songwriter; it takes me sometimes years to write one song, if I ever finish.

It's funny how, as we get older, what become our fondest memories are not necessarily the happiest times of our lives but the times of our lives that shaped us the most.

Most of my life is taken up with family. It takes me awhile to get a record together that I feel is worthy of putting out.

I know that things change and markets change. Those are the realities of the business.

Warner Bros. was a great label to be affiliated with. It's the best label out there, and the fact that I was with them for 20 years was just an honor.

Laziness can be virtuous in the right setting, I guess.

My wife is, by and large, the best thing that ever happened to me.

Everything's challenging for me, singing-wise. I'm like an old truck with one gear left on it.

I grew up in the era where everybody wanted to sing like Mitch Ryder and James Brown. And I did, too. But I learned real quick that it hurts after a while.