I have my DS with me all the time on the road.

There are times where you don't think you can be one of those strong women. You're not one of the leaders right? But that doesn't mean you're not. And that doesn't mean you're not a trailblazer.

As most people do, you have to learn your talent. It doesn't really just come.

When I was younger it was a lot of quantity over quality. Just writing, writing, writing. Hundreds of songs. Now it's fewer songs. If I write 10 songs I believe 80 percent of them are good and gonna be used.

There are no rules. And there are no boundaries in terms of where your imagination can take you. That is so necessary for music.

An upbeat song, for example, means one thing, but when you hear it with really vibey, mellow ambience around it, suddenly the same words may mean something else. Music is so powerful that way: It dictates and soundtracks our moods.

Being a mom makes it harder to find time to write and it gets harder to find time to sit down and do a vocal, because there's a baby behind you crying.

I wish, to be honest, that there were more myths about me. I wish I was more of a mythical person, and that then I'd have myths to dispel.

I think we all struggle with mental health.

When I'm at home, I get what I need to get done during the day and reward myself with a little 'WoW' time at night. Some people read a book before they go to bed.

The comic hobbyists world is so passionate about the details and the lore and the more you get into that, the more interesting it is for you.

A word can change so much depending on how you say it, or how you sing it.

You need to enjoy what you're doing in order to do something good. You can't force it.

I don't sweat the little stuff anymore. The little worries, I just don't have time for them anymore.

I really like my microwave.

I was in bands all through my youth. Things started out more acoustic and then piano ballads. Then R&B followed by sappy pop music and then rock, punk and heavy metal.

I don't know what I did with time before I had a kid.

It's hard to be a credible musician as a girl with a decent face. Which sucks. I'm always gonna push to make a record that represents what I like.

I've learned how to be confident and not be nervous in a paralyzing way, and I've learned that it's best not to close yourself off from people, you let people in.

You know, you can't give this unattainable superhero and expect people to identify with them. It's a cool story to read, but I never identified with Wonder Woman, until I read the story like, where she goes blind for a year and ends up in the underworld.

I think there's this standard in our society that when we become a mother, we just become a mother, and that's all you are. That's an amazing thing, but I think you're doing your child a disservice by not following your dreams either. I work really hard to make sure that I'm chasing all the things I always dreamed of.

I'm very into superhero culture and stuff like that, so I always think on very epic terms.

What puts me in the perspective of the power of a song is listening to it at full volume.

I can't be like, 'This week I'm going to be a musician, and next week I'm going to be a mom.' It has to be a little bit of everything, every day, all of the time.