A lot of people ask me about my past. It's part of my life, so I expect people to ask certain questions. Maybe they're curious.

People like to pick at your imperfections, and that can be very hard on you as a person. I think, a lot of times, people forget that we're human beings and some of us are fighting self-esteem issues already.

I used to have this thing about my legs. If you look at all of the Destiny's Child albums from when I was a part of the group, you never saw me in a skirt. I was always the one who wore the pants, because I felt like my legs were too skinny.

In groups, who sings this part or that part always turns into an issue. Eventually, you get the courage to go out on your own.

Everybody thought I was going to give up after the Destiny's Child situation. But I'm not one to say, 'Oh, poor me - it's over.' I knew that as long as I kept a strong prayer life, I would be able to fulfil my destiny.

Everything that I give is to God, and my trust is in Him.

With everything, especially romantic relationships, you have to protect your heart. That doesn't mean you can't show up and be able to give this person a piece of you and be open to being yourself.

When you love someone, they have a piece of you, one of the most important pieces of you, and that's your heart. And when you decide to love freely and love hard - like I do myself - that's a risk that you're taking - getting hurt.

Love is never easy. It never is. And I'm not just talking about girl and guy, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband and wife. I'm talking about family, friends - all of that.

I just think girls need to value themselves much more than they do.

God put us on this earth with the purpose of loving.

I'm like an international girl all day long. But I love the black women in my life: my grandmother, my mom.

I'm thankful that l I have an amazing family, black women that raised me.

I'm so proud to be a black woman; I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

I'm a fun person.

I think, as an artist, you definitely have to evolve. I've learned that that's very important. However, you have to stay true to yourself while also keeping up with the trends in music and this industry.

In the years that I've been in this business, a lot of things have changed in a major way. In all aspects.

I love Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, and Miguel.

I am terrified of things that go bump in the night. I don't like scary movies. I am a scaredy cat.

Don't try and be like someone else. There is already a Michael Jackson, a Janet Jackson, a Beyonce. You be you. And take advantage of the social media platform you have to share. That wasn't around when I started out.

My purpose is to share in any way what I learned, like, 'Girl, I went through this, so now you don't have to go through the same thing.'

I'm such a team player, and I love being in a group setting. You're used to looking to your left and right and someone being there. When you're out there on your own, you're like, 'Oh, boy.'

I've been trying to find a balance between all things in my life - personal, singing, acting.

There's nothing more attractive than a woman who's humble but knows what she can bring to the table.