I don't operate in fear anymore.

Watch people and how they handle other people. You have to stay open and keep your eyes open to them.

Never ignore your intuition about friendships and people's intentions towards you.

Me and my sister and my best friend get on the phone every morning and pray about different things. Even if we can't talk, because both of them have kids and I'm on the road, we shoot each other texts. 'What can I pray for you today?' It's a wonderful feeling knowing that you have women of God praying for you. There's nothing like that.

My father was a minister, so I was raised in the church.

My prayer life and my connection with God are on the highest level.

I remember, as a kid, my first breakup at 14 years old, I was jamming to Toni Braxton trying to heal out here. Why did an angel break my heart? Hell, I don't know.

I like real people. I like real things.

I'm a real person. You can ask anybody who knows me.

I love cleaning and hanging things up!

If someone offered me a movie, I will take your script.

I was big on movies when I was little. I always wanted to be certain actresses and do my thing like that.

I stay in church, listening to the Word.

I have a very strong spiritual base.

I think my full name is 'Ain't you the girl LeToya who used to be in Destiny's Child?' My nickname is 'Girl from Destiny's Child.'

Just like every young woman, I love getting all glam for the holidays.

I've become more comfortable with opening up.

I think with any woman, or any person that's been in love before, you know that feeling when you first meet someone. The butterflies and excitement that's there.

We can't control the heart and how it loves, and sometimes it's hard to let go, but you have to love yourself more and turn that no-good man loose.

Whenever I deal with heartbreak, my therapy is to listen to all the love songs I can to purge my system - and I change my phone number so I won't be tempted to call or keep expecting him to call back.

I feel it's very important to build your foundation first before sharing your relationship with the world.

You pray for things, and you know, we all have our wishlists, but I've learned to pray for whatever's in your will.

It's very important to have that prayer life. It's very important to communicate always.

I can't fight for no man because that means I'm fighting for your uncertainty about me and our relationship, so what kind of sense does that make? Honey, there are too many men in this world, and there's bound to be one who's truly checking for me.