Love is so much more than gender: You fall in love with a person.

Nothing's handed to you on a silver platter. Everything takes work, no matter how many records you put out.

I sleep in a bunk bed because my studio's under it. It's like a loft bed.

It's an added layer of duties and responsibilities, but it takes away from a lot of the arbitrary pressures that I've felt before. I just enjoy every moment more, and that's the beauty of being a mom.

You can't go with the intention of writing something inspirational. You just have to go with the right heart.

I think Warped Tour's bringing something special to me.

I think one of the biggest lessons I continue to learn is having humility and being thankful for what you have because everything's a grind and it doesn't get easier.

Growing up, I was always blown away by 'Star Trek' and 'Barbarella' and 'Logan's Run.' The retro sci-fi thing.

God has given me this gift to get out there and share my music and share my experiences and share my testimony. Why not be open? Why not be real? Why not walk in my truth?

Music is powerful.

I would audition for all the school plays, and finally, my last year, I got the role as Pinocchio - finally.

I serve a major God who definitely has the last say on my life.

People go through times where you're not getting roles one after the other, and I definitely went through that.

I am so blessed to do what I love to do, but becoming a solo artist terrified me!

I'm a picnic-in-the-park kind of girl.

I love playing different characters.

I don't use a lot of heat on my hair.

I try to shampoo and condition it at least once a week. I do deep conditioners as well and sit underneath the hair dryer and everything.

People always say, 'When you left... ' I hate when people say, 'When you left.' Why would I leave Destiny's Child? Ask yourself that before saying that. I didn't leave. It was a decision that was made, and that's the end of that.

With any relationship that you have, don't lose yourself in it.

I think, a lot of times as women, we feel pressure from our parents, our friends: we see our friends get married.

I'm very to myself.

I am not afraid of being alone and single.

People love drama. They feed off of it.