Most artists are going into the studio for a fixed period of time, and they say that's their album. I can't relate, because I've never made music in that way. I come from a culture of editing and remixing.

How much closer can I get to the common ear, the mainstream, and how much it can still be from this other world, this other place? That's the line I keep trying to tread but have my wings extend more on both sides.

As a black person on the outside, because there's so much black art and so much of black people's work circulating, so many people imitating what black people do, you would think that there'd be more black people on the business side. It didn't cross my mind that every label head, for the most part, is a white guy.

I've grown up feeling very American but being constantly bothered by people - there's internalized racism and feeling weird about being second-generation.

When it comes to melodies, production, and sound in pop music, people try to be formulaic and solely concerned with what's resonant in a way that is so cheap and ugly. It actually just devolves culture, ultimately.

I definitely want to be acting and I'm really happy that I found the opportunity to do it.

I never thought I could do certain things like somersaults and jumping off the ropes and flips. When you actually learn to do it, you're really amazed with what your body can do.

Simplicity is the key for me. I can't write clever songs; I just can't do it.

I need to be someone who didn't break because of what I've been through.

I just want to be someone who stands up for being herself.

Well, I don't like everyone. I don't want everyone to like me.

I'm quite forgetful.

I like to take care of people, I love looking after my friends and stuff.

Being a person is really hard, obviously depending on your background for some people it can be much harder, but mental health and how we feel about ourselves is so key to changing the world in a positive way.

I'm just really inspired by women and, for me, it's really important to work with someone who can relate to the female experience, especially in music.

For me, music is my art and what I have dedicated my life to. For fashion designers, clothing is art. Just as much as a piece of music that I might write is a piece of art. Being able to merge the two industries on stage or at an event is really fun.

My first real foray into fashion was the discovery of vintage. Vintage dresses really suit my body type, so the discovery was both wonderfully eye-opening and liberating.

The physical and the emotional are really connected. Although we know that, you kind of forget it.

I've been really inspired by my roots - my ancestors and Irish history.

I've literally been in sessions with producers, writing for other people, and they're like, 'We need a song for this artist, and we need it to sound like this song.' They're literally saying, 'Rip off this song that was no. 1 last week,' and that's just so uninspiring.

I always felt like an outsider of the industry, and now I feel quite comfortable as an independent artist.

Songwriting is my craft now, and it's more than something I just enjoy.

There are certain things I would never write about - anything that's too distasteful. I think that you can withhold information.

I think if you're going out with someone you should be inspired by them. That's why you like them - because they're exciting and they're smart.