I would like to think that an artist's mental health is taken into consideration more now.

I think I was probably overworked. I was doing huge tours and having two days off and then going out again. It burned me out.

When you're on tour, you know exactly what you're doing and what's required of you. There's a routine.

I started my own zine, and riot grrrl became a huge part of my identity.

I get a bit overwhelmed by the number of shows I haven't seen, that are still on my bucket list.

The Walking Dead' is my show. I download it from iTunes so that I can watch it the second it comes out. It's a show that I've got really involved in, emotionally.

Everyone has self-esteem issues when they are a teenager, but I think you have to accept who you are, because otherwise you are going to have a really unhappy life.

I've got quite bushy eyebrows and brown eyes.

I never wanted to be like: 'Oh, just because I'm a singer I can be in films now.'

When I first started, in 2006, it was an exciting time. Independent, cool, weird artists were being successful, and magazines were writing about them, and people were getting played on radio that were, like, really good.

It's great to be able to find a way to release your music and do what you want to do artistically and not have to just worry about being accepted by the major label industry.

My parents would, like, argue in front of us and it wasn't a big deal, whereas I know some people's parents who, if they argued, it was like, 'Oh, my God.'

I first got into punk music at 17, The Adverts, just from being a bored teenager.

I love 'Grace and Frankie!' Oh my God, it's the best show.

People are fragile. Our brains are fragile and you can only abuse them for so long.

I find it really easy to write on the bass, because you kind of get straight to the point: you do lyrics and melody without thinking about decorating the song until after you've finished it.

I didn't feel like I was allowed to be a songwriter. I thought I had to be a really intelligent lyricist, like a poet.

Punk may have helped me find my voice and made me realise that I had the right to have one, but it was riot grrrl that helped me sustain that voice and shout a little louder.

I just wanna be an artist, like someone like Bjork and Kate Bush and Regina Spektor. These are people that have saved people, I think, by being what they are.

The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players are the most wonderful creatures.

When I was younger, I'd always cry on Christmas Day, and I didn't know why. Now I know it's because I was just overwhelmed by the togetherness.

You have to be cynical because this is a business. Everyone is making money out of you.

Sometimes it's funny for me to just pretend I'm a movie character, and think what would you do if this was a movie? Or, what would you do if you were one of your icons?

Even though I'm super into tarot and astrology, I don't believe in knowing too much about the future.