When we're in London my family goes to mass on Christmas Eve. The next day Dad cooks the turkey on the barbecue, standing outside in the freezing cold.

If you're on an indie label, you're not getting enough money. And if you're on a major, you're not getting enough support.

The worst date I've been on was in L.A. with this guy I didn't want to be on a date with - he was just trying to take me to all these places and impress me but it was so cheesy.

I've always been really private.

I've a tiny little scar on my chin from when I fell over on stage, bust my chin open and bled everywhere.

Listening to Bikini Kill's Kathleen Hanna gave me the confidence I needed to get up on stage and be photographed every night on tour.

I grew up in Harrow, London, with two sisters. I am the middle child and a natural ginger, so fiery by nature.

Hair is so important and emotional. I dyed mine black and blond after a breakup - there's something really powerful about changing your hair when you're in a weird place.

My mum's got morals and principles, and I've been brought up with those ideas and beliefs.

My biggest crush when I was 13 was Leonardo DiCaprio. After I watched 'Titanic' I was completely in love with him.

I love skeletons and bones so much.

I think Berlin is always inspiring. I love being in Berlin. It feels like such a cool city, with so much culture and art and independence everywhere.

I'll always be playing shows. Even when I'm a crazy granny wearing weird old granny clothes and wandering around with dementia, I'll still be playing. Whether anyone else will turn up is another question.

I'm worried about being pigeonholed as an artist, especially a female one, but I think, essentially, it's the music which people judge you by.

I like being girly. I used to wear jeans all the time and tracksuit bottoms but then I was like, really all I want to be like is Marilyn Monroe so why am I wearing these?

On tour it's hard to be vegetarian, especially in Europe because vegetarianism is basically unheard of. They think you're either joking or mad.

Artists often have mental health issues. And their lifestyles are unstable because of all the travelling and the media commentary on their lives.

A lot of men just don't understand what it's like to be a woman and how much our bodies mean and what they can be and how much power they can yield, and how much we're shamed for them.

I got into punk at 17 after discovering an all-girl band from Long Island on the Internet called The Devotchkas - four crazy-looking girls with fast, driving basslines and high-pitched gang vocals who shared the same dress sense as the punks I used to eye up curiously in Camden.

People have said I'm too fat to be a pop star.

I love throwing parties and being sociable and dancing. But I also have this other homebody side and can become quite isolated and anxious.

I want to be in a Tarantino movie, more than anything in the world.

A woman's body and a woman's image is a very political thing, so I trust another woman to understand what that's like and how to portray it in a way people can relate to.

I have really bad anxiety and OCD. I get afraid of everyone I know dying.