Since I was a kid, I've had an absolute obsession with particular kinds of American music. Mississippi Delta blues of the Thirties, Chicago blues of the Fifties, West Coast music of the mid-Sixties - but I'd never really touched on dark Americana.

I really had to think and learn about musical intervals.

A New Yorker is anyone who has the guts to really live in the city.

Between sixteen and eighteen, I was singing anywhere I could, in bars or down at the pub.

I am committed to glamour.

The public's not stupid.

I don't want people to think that someone gives me something to wear, and I'll put it on.

It's a terrible feeling being lonely.

Daphne Guinness was amazingly comfortable in her skin, and she has an amazing collection in fashion that I wish I could just touch.

'Roc The Life' is a song I wrote with The Dream, who made 'Umbrella,' 'Single Ladies' and loads more.

Beyonce is this massive star, but she's incredibly humble. But it's weird because even though I love her, she's my boss's wife.

Music expresses - you express yourself with music.

Unfortunately, being a brand is really important nowadays.

In this industry, all the heads of labels are men, but every artist has to prove themselves, regardless of their sex. I have always been very vocal about the women sticking together.

I really admire people who have long-distance relationships. It's an incredible achievement. I couldn't do it.

I love the Scottish accent; it is very sexy.

To save your own hair, wigs are literally the way forward.

Roc Nation is such an incredible, unique team, especially in the music industry. Everyone genuinely loves and cares about each other.

When your time comes, you need to grab it with both hands.

I'm a huge Bruce Springsteen and Duran Duran fan.

I try to do one thing a day that makes me proud of myself.

You can be forgotten very quickly. So I am aware that I need to stay current, keep connecting, and keep bringing things to the table... Otherwise, you can just disappear.

My dad wanted me to go down a more academic route. He is very much about sticking to the rule book and sticking to the blueprint of a successful career.

I was in Boots buying contact lens solution, and my mobile went off. It was Jay-Z's partner at Roc Nation asking me what I was up to. He asked if I'd been to America, and I said, 'No.' Then he said, 'I'm putting you on a flight to New York tomorrow.'