When I perform, I usually wear wigs because I love them.

I'm like a dude. Jordans are my favorite. I wear them all the time for shows. I can get girly-girly when I want to, but I can't perform in heels. I would bust my face open on stage, and we don't want that.

I'd love to do a whole soundtrack to a movie.

I never knew how small L.A. was until I started to work here.

I'm too busy for relationships.

I've loved music. It was my first everything, but fashion and clothes is just the next step.

You know what a wifey means? It's like your other half. Like when you get married, like, that's your wife!

I love masculine cuts with suits and chunky jewellery. My hair is so glam, it balances it out, and it's comfy!

I wouldn't want to do an average fashion line. I'd want it to be an amazing piece of art.

People like Prince don't have to care about anything, but they care because they want music for the future to be great.

To me, I have my friends who I've known my whole life, and I can count them on one hand. They're people I went to school with, my mum's friends' daughters. You know?

Every person has a signature. Just some people don't know it yet.

I don't know what it feels like not to have a great family support system - I was lucky to have that.

I watched 'Kill Bill,' like, three times.

You have to come to terms with loving your body.

I don't vocalise things that don't deserve attention.

I never think too hard about a look. When you consider an outfit too much, that's when it goes wrong.

To me, it doesn't matter who you are or where you're from - if you're a good person and you got my back, I got yours.

I just want to be in a relationship.

I was signed at 18 and had to grow up quickly.

I don't really have that many judgements on things, or crazy statements that I feel like I have to put across.

If I could live in a cabaret, I would. If I could live in 'Moulin Rouge,' I would.

I've always been into looking different.

To me, British fashion has a story. It has history, and I feel it's very much about our culture.