I don't represent anybody and I don't hold anything at such a high arc that I gotta manage by somebody's rule. I don't ever do good with rules.

I want to stay consistent and drop an album every year, so in the long run, you can see that I'm an actual artist.

I love MTV. I watched 'Beavis and Butthead,' 'Wayne's World,' 'Yo! MTV Raps.' And they used to have music videos on there. When I got the chance to be on MTV, I took the first opportunity.

You can't make somebody buy an album. I buy people's albums though.

As a kid, my favorite adventures were to skip school and go into the sewage drains and talk to the turtles and open up packs of Topps Stadium Club baseball cards.

Regardless of anything I say, some people try to take the fact that I'm an artist away from me.

I love Tom Ford. I love Harrison Ford, too.

Whoever's on TV, that's who's famous back in the day.

I can remember being a kid and watching Vanilla Ice and it made me smile... I love it. I love that. I can remember seeing Vanilla Ice and then through time he stopped being Vanilla Ice.

Harmony Korine is a Rocket Scientist who purposely went on a 8-year vacation to let everyone catch up.

I never wanted to be a rapper. I want to be in the movies. I want to own buildings.

I've always freestyle-d and did random songs.

I've been super-fresh since elementary school. I'd lay out all my clothes, my Jordans right there, I know what cologne I'm gonna wear, my boxers match my socks.

I just know what an icon does, and that's whatever you want to do and it's trendsetting. You know? It's real cutting-edge.

I can't change me and I can't change other people's thinking. All I can do is continuously get better. So if I'm doing that, even if somebody doesn't like me or respect me, I don't care.

I do whatever I feel like doing cause it's in my brain.

I've had no money, I've had a lot of money, I've lost a lot of money. I've been back and forth with everything. That's why other people's input doesn't really matter to me, because nobody's put me where I'm at.

I make a lot of money. I wear a lot of jewelry. And the reason I buy so much jewelry is to show you that it's not a joke. You walk around with $20,000 on, you not to be played with.

I care about the here and now. I care about what's in front of me. Am I having fun or not? That's all I care about. I just do what I want.

I can't skateboard. I don't know how to do that!

I have country songs, I have rock songs, I have songs that don't even sound like songs.

Somebody's trying to sell you a Mercedes and he pulls up in a Civic with mustard stains on his shirt, dipping a pretzel in some cheese? Nobody wants to hear what you say unless you look like somebody.

Growing up I loved this brand, and if someone would have told seven year old me that I would be selecting color combos with the originator of Gecko I would have cried.

I need everything first-class. If it's not a private plane, I need everything first-class. Flights, I need hotel suites, I need the best hotel in town, the top of the line best hotel suite.