I'm not one of those rapper guys that spend nights in the studio. I hate being in the studio.

It goes to extremes - from people saying I'm the best of all-time to people saying, 'I hate that white boy.' Who cares? At the end of the day, if people don't like you, they're not your friends anyway. They're not going to be supporting you by buying your tickets and CDs and clothes.

I love country music.

I've been waiting for the right opportunity to have a sitcom because I've been on TV like 10 times, but it was all reality shows, semi-acting like that.

If somebody wants to get inside my brain and figure out what I'm chasing, what I'm after think Richard Branson, think Madonna, think Lady Gaga.

I'd like to be on the cover of Forbes for 12 months straight.

I've been playing basketball since forever. The highlight of my high school career was scoring 51 points with 13 threes in a game.

James Franco is a coach, therefore he doesn't need coaching or guidance.

My favorite book was 'The Giving Tree.'

I saw the EDM world and wanted to be in that more than the hip-hop world.

I was supposed to have a talk show on MTV.

I drop videos off the cuff... I don't stop.

Radio and TV don't have the power like they used to. With the Internet, people can pick. You can't hide talent no more.

I'm gonna be me. Always.

I constantly have people who quit their jobs just to go on the Internet and try to stop me at any and all costs.

My first tattoo was on my right shoulder/tricep, it says 'The City of H-Town.'

You ain't gonna know about me by talking about the past. Haters care about that. My fans, they care about where I'm going.

Everyone wants to label me, but I don't want to be labeled as a rapper or a movie actor.

I didn't finish high school but I feel like if I was in college I could debate with anybody.

I'm not the average person so when somebody sees me it's going to be bipolar: it's one or the other, you're going to love me or hate me.

To be truthful, when I'd be on the bus when I was a little kid, like fourth, fifth grade, we'd always be free-styling and playing around.

I hate Los Angeles. I hate traffic. I hate people.

Vanilla Ice sold ten million records. For him to be on MTV, it made me feel like it could be done.

Now am I flamboyant? Am I over the top? Maybe.