I'm scared of a lot of things.

I was always that girl who loved music and thought of music as an escape route.

A steamer is like an inhaler, so you can inhale this oil or frankincense or eucalyptus. Before I go onstage, I spend half an hour taking in that steam, and it saves my life!

I don't really remember much about Kosovo. I only remember growing up in London, where my parents had to basically start from scratch.

Chanel is my ultimate weakness.

I think it's a big deal to have a great soundtrack for a movie.

I'm basically just a normal girl from West London who speaks from her heart and who loves music.

The first album I bought was the Spice Girls, ha ha.

I was always getting told off by my choir teacher for, you know, riffing when I shouldn't.

I mix my fragrances with body oils - I love body oils, so that's my little trick.

Anytime I go on Twitter, there's always the good but the bad as well.

Clothes are fun. The designers have so much fun making them, you should have fun wearing them, too.

I always remember smelling Chanel No. 5 at home - my mum used to literally pour it, and she rocked it.

I don't ever use dancers, and when I do, it's literally, like, four break dancers.

When it comes down to the music, it's just you and the microphone. It's not you and the record execs.

I like to call myself a 360-degree artist. I'm a musician, but I have other things I do, too.

I'm not going to have a baby until I'm around 30-something.

My beauty icons - and this sounds cheesy - have a beauty that comes from inside.

One day I will settle down, when I have achieved everything I wanted.

I don't know what flirting is, really. Sometimes in women, friendliness comes across as flirting. That is not what it is.

I get so nervous, I get belly pains before I go on stage.

I think music will thrive where it wants to.

I love getting dressed up and glamorous for the red carpet. It makes me feel powerful and sexy!

I literally touched down in Kosovo and the president, prime minister and mayor were waiting for me to get off the plane. Apparently that's unheard of. They don't wait for nobody.