Music has always been so integral to my life. It's always been my work and my passion.

A night out isn't just chaos and hedonism. It can be beautiful as well and there's a sadness to the end of it.

I have an obsession with making an album rather than a collection of tracks. For me it's like making a film - it's the perfect length of time to tell a story.

It sounds a bit pretentious, but I'm never really conscious of what I'm doing musically.

I love exploring the hypnotic elements of music, and because of that there are very long tracks on 'Immunity.'

I love truly forward-thinking music, and I'm not even sure I'd describe my work as that, even.

Ironically, my tastes aren't that experimental, and I wouldn't describe my music on the surface as being overtly experimental, either.

I think there's a spiritual element to dancing in general. There's a reason why in every culture, dancing seems to be in our DNA.

Ever since I got a job in Imogen Heap's touring band when I was 17, there have been moments in my career that I can't quite believe really happened.

My first ever show in America was opening for Coldplay at Madison Square Garden. Nobody in that audience could have known who I was. It was almost like it was an accident, like I was in someone else's dream.

I really don't use that much stuff. I think it's good to know a few pieces of equipment very well, rather than learn new ones every time. I think it distracts from the writing process.

I don't have a huge amount of gear, but on the software side, I have a number of plug-in chains that act as abstracted versions of real instruments.

You can't allow your creative sessions to be dominated by miniscule editing processes.

What kind of music keeps its relevance? That's why I purposely try and avoid any particularly current trends in electronic music. I do actively stay away from the most popular rhythms of the moment. In six weeks' time, those will sound out-of-date.

Sometimes I think elements of 'Open Eye Signal' are better live. I do this really crazy stuff at the end, but I don't know if it'd translate well into recording. It would probably sound a bit too extreme.

I always make sure there's something for the audience to connect to, in terms of my movements relating to the sounds being heard.

When I was 23, I felt like I was further back than when I was 21. After two solo albums for this small indie label Just Music, they'd gotten no real profile. So I kind of turned away from the solo thing a bit.

I just love switching stuff off and going for a run, or sitting down and eating cake.

Meditation is a regular part of my day, every day.

I tend to listen to podcasts while running. I don't like to listen to music because my brain would try to get me to run in time with it.

For me, the most important thing is to keep everything moving very fast, so when I have an idea, I can realize it and make it audible as soon as possible.

Sometimes I hear records that are being recorded at the absolute highest quality, and I just don't like the sound of it.

Maybe I'm just stubborn about learning new things - I can't stand learning new programs - but any sound I can imagine, I can make with SoundForge. And I'm using the old version, like 4.5 from 1999. I use it for every sound.

Your music essentially reflects everything you do, everything you've been through, in the deepest part of you.