It's extraordinary to hear from people who are bereaved, or gone through a divorce, and they still take the time to tell me how a certain track or album helped them through tough times, or kept them sane.

I have the inability to stop thinking and switch off from work at night, which causes a lot of sleeplessness.

It is funny how we talk about nature as this separate entity when we are nature, and nature is us.

I'm very impulsive and I always had a belief in instinct leading the way.

Singularity' goes through a process of purification and signification. If you listen to it, you can hear quite a chaotic and disruptive beginning and by the end, you're in such an opposite zone.

I have always been interested in incorporating real places into the music I make. Bringing the outside into the controlled world of recorded sound just gives life and physicality.

I've always been obsessed with contrast in records, and using harsher elements to make the quieter ones more powerful.

I did classical music when I was a teenager, but the experience of performing a classical concert felt too frighteningly pristine for me to continue with it.

I got this pretend grass stuff called LazyLawn on my roof. Now I can go out on my terrace in bare feet, and it looks exactly like a lawn. This is what science should be for.

Some machine-y music is great, but you can apply any groove to any song now - there's literally a massive drop-down menu on most programs. And that's what takes the human being out of the process.

I love that tension between machine sounds and organic sounds, and also the contrast between abrasive sounds and soft sounds.

Well, I don't really use MIDI that much. But I do record audio around me a lot, and just layer it up and see what effect it has, without any aforethought.

Learning how to be calm and centered in any situation is a skill for life, whatever you do.

I love starting a track in one place and not knowing where it's going to end up.

If you're a traveling artist, you probably experience insomnia at some point. You need things to be the right temperature, the right light... it's essential.

A lot of my creative ideas begin in the pub, talking through possibilities with collaborators.

There's never been a time when there hasn't been ritualistic dancing, and I think clubbing is our modern incarnation of that.

I'm a bit snobbish about breakfast: eggs benedict, or eggs royale, or something like that. Or just some really amazing, proper brown toast with smoked salmon, lemon, and black pepper. That's a great start to the day.

Most of our fans are the hardworking people of the world. They are the people who have made this country great.

We have doctors and lawyers and CEOs as fans.

We have fans that come up all the time and say, 'This song helped me through this tough time in my life' or whatever. The music helps us through it, too.

Whatever people want to say, we go out there every night, and we give tribute to the songs that my brother wrote, to Ronnie and Allen Collins and Steve Gaines and Leon Wilkeson and everybody. We pay tribute every night to those people who have gone on.

It's all these young country bucks doing Skynyrd songs, which is pretty cool to us.

I'd rather sit in Jacksonville and do a different kind of work than get messed over.