You want people to hate you. If you're just making people happy, you're like Mumford & Sons.

I like performing, but I usually get really sick when I'm on tour, and it's just hard.

You rarely find someone who sings really well and who produces really well; it's a problem, and I just think it's a missing link in the music scene.

I'm a very unhealthy person, and Montreal is very cold, and I'm usually sick when I'm there.

I don't think I know anyone who has a steady job in Montreal.

The thing is, I really like working. If I sit around too much, I get really bad anxiety.

Success, for me, is a song that can deliver shivers.

I love a lot of very sentimental music, but I shouldn't necessarily be the person who makes it.

Especially with music, people want confidence.

I'm actually not a particularly negative person, but I feel like most things are better when they're not actualized. The motivation that comes from wanting something is so much more driving of people than actually getting it.

I can tell really early on in a painting if I'm going to toss it or not.

I think if you're good at art, you'll be good at most types of art.

Fashion can be a really powerful tool, but it's also a place where you can be totally humiliated and have your power taken from you.

I want to make an a cappella record to release for free.

If you tell someone you're doing something innovative, they'll think you're doing something innovative.

There are a lot of musicians I've met on Twitter where it was like, 'Hey, I like your music' - and then I ended up meeting them and it turned into a friendship.

If you look at the way people behave at shows, icons are now musicians; they are the people that we worship.

Music is a religion to me and my friends.

I'm not, like, a natural performer. It's sort of a thing that I've had to learn to do.

I'm not trained in music.

From an early age, I knew I would be unhappy if I wasn't doing something creative.

I think my sound is post-Internet.

I've always been such a nerd.

When I first started out, I was making really slow, psychedelic ambient music because it was all I could do.