Usually I perform with dancers.

I need to be able to work for 20 or 30 hours in one go in complete darkness, alone with just the computer glow.

If you focus too much on development of the visual angle, it could be a detriment to what you're doing musically.

My manager lives on my block; four of the apartments in my apartment complex of seven are people I know. It's a really close-knit community, and almost everyone on these few blocks are artists or graphic designers, because we live right on the cusp of a warehouse district.

I just can't perform well unless I'm wearing jeans.

I'm a very nervous, shy person.

I went through my adolescence having this revelatory experience - I can have any music I want, and I can get it immediately. For me and for a lot of people I know, there's this musical eclecticism that happened.

The thing about music is it's not an obscure pursuit, it's a very natural thing for human beings to do. Once you put in the effort, the learning curve is very fast.

I like going crazy. And not just for art - I like extremes in general.

I truly love 'Gangnam Style.' I guess it's a meme. I feel like it's one of the few times where the meme and the quality combines nicely.

I've seen Animal Collective live, and I suffered permanent hearing loss from that show!

I'm tired of being congratulated for being thin because I can more easily fit into sample sizes from the runway.

Removing all stimulation around you is a really positive thing in terms of stimulating your creativity.

As a producer, I'm trying to challenge myself to just make something that is of a professional quality - not necessarily pop music, but maybe in the sense that Nine Inch Nails is professional quality.

If I went on 'American Idol,' I would definitely be kicked out immediately.

I listen to a lot of medieval music.

I don't own anything designer.

I was incredibly unpopular in high school but also extremely notorious.

By the time I'm 50, there is probably going to be a nuclear holocaust. I should just enjoy myself.

I don't want to have to compromise my morals in order to make a living.

If I'm a bad mood, I can't go on stage and smile.

I start a lot of songs and throw them out because the energy is not right. It's almost like the file becomes cursed. I have to delete it.

I believe the human mind is a very fallible thing, but it's the only thing that I can really know, I guess.

There used to be a lot of industry in Montreal, and now there's not, so it's really easy to get huge, empty spaces where you can practice and make music or make art for very, very cheap.