My set can get really screamo and aggressive, or it can be ambient and Enya-esque.

It's interesting to be a front person who is controlling the majority of the sound.

My dream job would be sitting in a room, cranking out hits for Rihanna.

My favorite music is never the music that anyone else likes, and other people's favorite songs are always my least favorite.

I have an intense desire to constantly make music, and I don't feel that way about anything else.

I've always been very intense about everything I do.

I'm sad that it's uncool or offensive to talk about environmental or human rights issues.

I'm against spending money to record.

In America there's lot of cool cities, but in Canada there's, like, well, Vancouver, Toronto and Halifax may be cool, but they're so expensive. Montreal is the only city that's affordable but also has buses and culture.

I always wanted to be really experimental.

I don't even wear shoes with heels because I hate making a noise when I walk and people looking at me.

I'm a super-introverted person.

My image seems to be so infantilized, and I don't really know why. It belittles the music.

Basically, I'm really impressionable and have no sense of consistency in anything I do.

There's definitely a solitary aspect to not having a band, and there are times when I wish that I did.

I want to make Grimes a high-fashion sci-fi act.

I think I have serious latent Catholic guilt issues.

I'm just very obsessed with Japanese stuff in general.

I like to aestheticize every possible thing that can be aestheticized.

When I'm making a song that's very Grimes, it just feels very insular and it feels weird to have someone else do something on it.

I can't censor myself; it's really important for me to say how I feel.

I'm not interested in making art unless I'm totally freaked out and worried people are going to hate it.

It's really hard to be on stage and packing your gear when people who just saw you play are in the room, because they all just want to talk to you.

I have a lot of Japanese friends: I grew up in Vancouver, and there's this huge Japanese population over there.