I am just a vehicle for the party music.

I graduated from Improv Olympic. I used to do standup comedy.

Party Rock' is something that is dear to my heart and my goal is to turn this planet into a 'Party Rock,' if you will.

I'm not about the past. I'm about the future and focusing on what you want in life.

It is a big deal just to keep on your path. That is the biggest thing. Luckily, we are dreamers and we believe that whatever we are thinking, we are going to bring about in our life, kind of like 'The Secret.'

Our music is consumer. It's made to be played with, it's made to have fun.

She's got her own thing going, Lady Gaga is a genius as a fashion icon.

I love comedy.

The more you Snapchat, the more you take pictures, it makes you want to have a better party because you want better Snapchats, you want better pictures.

I do my crunches and my sit-ups.

The X Factor is something that's real. Once you find that X Factor, it's undeniable. No matter what the critics say about our band, we obviously have the X Factor. Redfoo has got the X Factor.

I'm not white, I'm not black.

Australia's got some of the best girls in the world. They are very fit, very athletic and always by the beach.

I love to help with dreams and I love what I do on 'X Factor' as far as the mentoring and helping someone get over nervousness or reach their potential.

My mom was into spiritual stuff and yoga.

I love creating music that makes people dance, smile and have a good time.

It's always been a dream of mine to play professional tennis.

I grew up basically in a predominantly, you know, white community and I was mixed but as a kid you don't know that. So I was always different, always stood out and people would always make fun of me.

My goal is to win a single A.T.P. point.

There are bands that make parodies of being in a band, like Spinal Tap. That's a big influence. They're making fun of a rock band, but they write lyrics that are better than real rock bands.

I was a latchkey kid.

I have this concept about the circle of fear, it's like a ring of fire what you're afraid of is your boundaries in life and if you don't confront them you're in the centre of this circle of fire.

A TV show is sometimes like a club. Sometimes you need to refresh.

I kind of just took everything that people thought was weird about me and used it as a strength.