I don't like to kiss and tell.

If you're thinking about making a hit song, and you think I want everybody in the world to love it, then you kind of make it up, and you do it.

I don't really believe in the supernatural, as far as the negativity.

The same reason why we're doing music is the same reason why Motown did: to make the world a better place and to make people happy. The main message is, just have a good time.

My father was really into it. We would wake up in the morning and look at the markets.

I had to focus on my music career. But tennis has always been a passion.

If you were good at tennis, you were a star in my dad's world.

I went to school with my good friend will.i.am and he used to make fun of me when I rapped, but in Sweden, I was the best rapper.

I was really passionate about bringing party music to the world, so I will always be making some kind of party music.

I always think about that when I make a song, 'what is the dance gonna be?'

Our music is all about making music for the party. We don't call it music, we call it tools - tools for the party.

I used to wear shades in the club but it was weird, it would be too dark so you wouldn't know who you're dancing with.

The X Factor' was amazing because I like being a positive role model to young artists; that's what I believe in. If I can shed some light and give them some tips on how to believe in themselves and be more confident with their craft.

We want to be a soundtrack to people's lives in the party realm.

A guy wrote a blog, way back when the Internet first started; the comments were so negative that it actually stopped me doing music for some time - about two, three years. It was after this one hip-hop project - Redfoo and Dr'Kroon. I wasn't used to it. I didn't like it. It lowered my self-esteem.

I was into hip-hop, growing up early, so I loved Run DMC, LL Cool J, rappers.

I feel like every time I do a video I say I want to make it like a movie, I want to make it very entertaining. So I start to just scan in my brain for what I haven't done before so I can do something unique and ridiculous, and what that song means.

I'm making a lot of songs that are tennis-inspired.

I felt when I was gambling that the house always wins, and it was always like, how can I become the house? But when you're a band, you are the house because you can write the songs, you can wear your own clothes, you can pick where your show is. I can choose my own cards, basically.

I was a class clown, never got good grades.

I think I'm very sexy because I am me. I am the best me. I am not trying to be somebody else, so when you are you, you are sexy.

Honduras fans are true party rockers!

Every time I perform I always kind of outdo myself.

It's really deep to me. Although it seems to many people that I'm making silly music, I'm really serious.