Men like us who live on the edge and had this player life - and for even some that still do - we gotta respect women - we gotta understand that their position here is much bigger than what we might give them.

I definitely want to do 'Strictly Come Dancing.'

To be on Amazon, we reached so many more people, and people can be aware of our products a lot faster. It is a plus for us, definitely.

I've dedicated my life to my family.

We've got a big vision here at Raycon, so we've still got a lot of work to do!

In the past, I had the marketing know how to get people to talk about my products, but I didn't have the infrastructure or logistics to fulfill the demand properly.

Ya know, I just want a girl to be honest.

I need a nice wholesome girl.

I'm with expanding in my culture, from the Dominican Republic all the way to Cape Verde. Please believe that.

Your wife is always right, fam.

I feel like everybody that's successful owes everything to God.

You know, I'm a good guy. I think people look at me in a different way until they talk to me or get to know me.

I would love to do 'SNL.'

Married men don't do that. We don't talk about women.

Technology is the future. I love technology.

I've always been independent with my music. I've always run my own music label.

I understand the art of PR, social media, gossip, and what that does for businesses, so I don't really trip off of it.

You know, people make up a lot of different stories about a lot of different things.

I run an independent company, Knockout Entertainment. We've always come out with records that had a concept that impacted really, really, really hard.

You might be looking for a guy with a six pack that's 6'9 and is a lawyer that has money. You're not going to get everything. Some times you have to compromise. Maybe he's 6'2, has a four pack and is a future lawyer.

A lot of time when you clash, sometimes it helps the relationship because then you grow closer after that.

Nine times out of 10, you see electric bikes being used for deliveries, but you're getting in a taxi, using a commuter train, not realizing that you can be a part of the green, clean energy movement as well.

It's time for all of us to kind of think about the green initiative as a whole. Monetizing it is very important. It's on us to continue to put the message out.

I think we just need to keep moving forward in a positive way.