My intent is to party and have fun and to help the world and help all people become stronger and successful in whatever they do. That's what I spread.

Music will always be my first love, but it was time to diversify into something that had the ability to really create a financial legacy.

I wanted to give people songs like 'Wait a Minute' and 'Formal Invite' for the club, and I also wanted to get real serious and show them my versatility.

I can't be like Brandy. I have to be me.

When I was a teenager I didn't really care about music especially with my sister being so successful, I was able to experience it through her.

Every relationship I was in, I loved the girl. It's just the moral values and standards was off. I was loving and lying.

I think the way you prevent your man from cheating on you is to just have a good understanding about who he is first. If you know that the guy you're with is a player and he's already kind of living the life, you know what you're getting yourself into. You have to be real with yourself.

Bad girls are a little more aggressive at times than other girls, so they get what they want and sometimes they take what they want.

I don't put my hands on women.

When you're a parent, you spend time with the baby. You look at the baby's face and envision her future and what you have to do as a parent to make sure she's financially good and that she's comfortable inside of the family and that she's positive and learning every day.

In real business, there's spiritual success and then there's facts and just hard work and making sure you're on point with the product.

Everything I promote and sell, I use on a daily or I wouldn't sell it.

Taking your time with music is real important to me.

Whenever you have publicity, it's always a good thing.

I really know how to sing and create and put things together that entertain... be it controversially or be it from music or acting.

I don't hang with stars. I create stars.

The woman is always the boss.

He instilled in me to be patient and understanding - my father would always hold me accountable, he taught me the importance of following things through, being responsible.

My father was there since day one with me.

I want babies.

The more honest and straight up you are with anybody will work in your benefit.

Music is more Ray J. When you act, you're playing a different person. I like the music end, basically because it's me.

We do our chores when chores are needed to be done.

I got an office where I just go and put together shows, you know.