What I did is I bought a drum set and I listened to 80s music, and I played, and I was, like, DJ'ing, and I said, 'this is what I wanna make. This is how I'm gonna give back to the people. I'm gonna make this party music.' It pulled me out of the depression, and then I've never been depressed since.

Any products associated with a Apple are going to win. The people who make the Apple products are going to win.

I feel like I've mastered what nervousness is, and simply, nervousness is, fearing the future. Or, I like to put it as, thinking about things that you don't want in the future. Normally, artists may think, 'What if my show doesn't go well?' Boom. That's going to cause nervousness.

We like to party but to be the best partiers in the world you've gotta be serious, you've gotta plan that stuff out. You've gotta wake up the next day and catch that plane to the next show and perform a great show.

After reading the book 'The Secret,' it really changed my life because they made it visual and you saw how when someone thinks negative they attract negativity. A self-fulfilling prophecy whether it was negative or positive is basically the whole concept. Whatever you think, your mind is going to reproduce.

I like to use the world as my gym. I walk around and if I see a stairwell I might do a couple of dips on the stairs.

We all Tinder in life. We all look at somebody and go: 'OK, swipe right.'

Direction is more important than speed. You can go fast in the wrong direction.

Vehicles are just something I have always felt connected to whether it is the bus or the plane.

When you get famous, you become a target for things, like lawsuits. People will take advantage of your fame.

I'm not an artist that vents through my music. I don't do it to relieve stress. I do it for the purpose of entertaining.

Making people feel good is the number one priority: I love that.

Yeah, I love Ethereum. I love coding.

The haters want to hate. They want to talk about this and talk about that. We don't even acknowledge it.

I love to be competitive.

When I was born, I lived with my dad for two years. I was always watching him on a tennis court as a kid, he was a fanatic. Boris Becker would come to the house and play chess.

I didn't grow up with my dad, or around the whole legacy. I was post-Motown, so I'd always hear stories and wonder what was it like.

I learned about music by hearing the same song 50 times a day. I had some ability in music. It wasn't in my blood, in my DNA, but if you grow up around something you become good at it.

I have kids from everywhere, not just Australia, and they want to be like Redfoo. They love Redfoo and I love them.

What I realise at the end of the day, I love everyone and I have fans from three to 93.

We saw Michael Jackson and we said, we want to experience what it is to be Michael Jackson-esque. Just entertaining the people and making the world feel happy and dance.

I feel like investing in really solid stuff that I can control.

One of the secrets is, for us, we pick our demographic. If other demographics want to like it, then by all means. But essentially, we're making music for the party, for the club.

Our goal was definitely to be the biggest band in the world, for sure.